Facebook and Twitter Are Not Local Bakeries

found on Twitter by Burr

Freedom of speech is secure, after all

Lack of a bakery is not Orwellian?

Conservatives are free after all

As long as they are not advocating a lynch mob

or the violent overthrow of government

or the assassination of public officials

And then there’s this:

Militia Within Mob, Inside Help, Stacey, Loudly Censored, Christian Terrorism

  • Ant Farmer’s Almanac summarizes, with a headline and brief comment, last week’s violent almost-takeover of the US government.
  • I don’t invest much anguish in my speculation about what went on inside the lynch mob, what planning was involved, or what inside help there was. Investigations are beginning to reveal the truth. More will be spilling out soon. So far, it does appear that there were two simultaneous insurrections on January 6. One was the public lynch mob, sometimes clownish, always dangerous, that eventually broke into the Senate and House. The other was a trained, organized militia hidden within the excitement, targeting individual legislators for capture and assassination. They did have a model for success from American history, as the government of North Carolina was overthrown and taken over by similar White supremacists in 1898.

  • As new details are broadcast showing how close the Trump militia cadre, operating within the more general lynch mob, came to fulfilling their plan to capture and execute legislators, investigations continue and arrests accumulate.
    Perhaps it simply demonstrates how different selection strategies, or different phraseology can get somewhat different results. Or perhaps it shows how opinions shift as news and pictures get through to public consciousness. A poll by the Wall Street Journal and ABC News has Donald Trump drifting down in popularity below the 40’s threshold he previous occupied, with 35% of the public approving. That’s a downdraft. A little later, the highly respected scientific Pew Research organization has Trump plummeting past the 40% mark AND down through the 30% mark to land for the moment at 29%.
    But, listen to that 29%: It’s all fake news because he’s still Landslide Don who could not have lost an election.
  • It appears a President cannot issue a pardon to himself. Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger examines the idea that Trump might resign in exchange for a pardon, and reports one little problem.

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