Liar of Unknown Origin

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From driftglass:

As of this writing, “thots-n-prayers” is the undisputed king of hollow virtue-signaling about the predictable atrocities that mass-murder their way into the headlines every week. But coming in a strong second in the media’s lexicon of platitudinous synonyms for “We need to feign concern for [insert tragedy here] even though were damn sure never going to do a damn thing about it” are the inevitable calls for various “National Conversations” (from the NYT in 2016):

The term has become the sad equivalent of the jolly drinking axiom: It’s always national-conversation time somewhere. Whenever the mood around an issue ought to change — guns, policing, marriage, the Oscars — somebody will say we need to talk about it. We should be sitting around and figuring this thing out. We need to have “real,” “substantive,” “difficult” exchanges — about our personal biases, about our bad policies — that reach far and go deep. “It’s time for a national conversation” about mental health, retirement savings, drones.

Well thanks to Donald Trump and Republican Party, we are now having … something. It’s not a national conversation exactly, but you and I have been given front row seats to the collapse of the Republican Party. And in the wild fratricidal light of the death throes of the Party of Trump, if you look carefully, you will find the keys to understanding the media’s radical avoidance of any national conversation about anything of substance.

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GOP Candidate’s Brother Donated to Tammy Baldwin

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From Wisconsin conservative James Wigderson:

The Hill is reporting U.S. Senate candidate Kevin Nicholson’s brother Scott has donated to the campaign of U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin, the Democrat who is running for re-election. Kevin Nicholson is hoping to win the Republican nomination in the August primary to take on Baldwin in the November election.

“Nicholson’s brother Scott donated the maximum $2,700 for the primary to Baldwin’s campaign on Dec. 31, according to Federal Elections Commission documents,” The Hill reported Monday. “Scott Nicholson was a registered Democrat in New York in 2016, according to voter registration data. He did not return a request for comment.”

This is the second donation to Baldwin by Nicholson’s family since he declared his candidacy

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On Pa-troll

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From Infidel753:

What I’ve learned from experience is that trying to reason with psychos does not work. Trying to debate them does not work. Telling them to go away and leave you alone does not work. Their whole purpose is to get a rise out of you. If you give them any sort of reaction at all, especially if you’re spending substantial time and energy on them and/or getting angry and frustrated, you’re feeding them. And they will not go away.

So I give them nothing. I delete their comments in moderation, I don’t reply to them, I don’t answer their e-mails, I don’t write cryptic-sounding posts obliquely referring to them, I don’t give them any response at all. Once I get their schtick, I don’t even bother to read their comments before deleting. Eventually, un-fed, they go away.

I’ve seen what happens on other blogs when bloggers don’t get this.

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The Bravest President


There is no way Teddy should have come out alive.

San Juan Hill has become almost cartoonish in our historical imagination. The invasion itself is jeered at as a template for international imperialism, a model for every instance of American intervention. Theodore Roosevelt himself is sometimes portrayed as a borderline comedic figure.

None of that matters.

Military figures, those who actually serve on the battlefield, are regarded with a sort of awe by the rest of us, those of us who, because of circumstance, or luck, or connivance, have never seen combat.

It was by a strange combination of coincidences that a future President survived.

A nearby brigade was commanded by 4 senior officers within 10 minutes, as one after another was killed or carried away with life-threatening wounds.

Four commanding officers in 10 minutes.

American troops fully expected to meet an overwhelming force of thousands of Spanish troops as they charged toward the top of San Juan Hill. They had no way of knowing that 10,000 Spanish troops had been diverted, stationed as reserves in the city of Santiago de Cuba about a mile away. Nobody knows why General Arsenio Linares ordered them held back, away from battle.

So, instead of 10,000 enemy troops, Americans encountered fewer than 800. Most of those turned out to be inexperienced conscripts, newly drafted into battle.

American troops expected heavy fire from the big guns behind concealed Spanish fortresses. They had no way of knowing that those fixed fortifications were not laid out according to any military strategy. Instead, they were aligned in whatever direction geography made convenient. So heavy artillery could not be directed at the oncoming, completely vulnerable, Americans.

The central role of thousands of African American soldiers, and the loss of hundreds in battle, was nearly lost to history. And the point at which Roosevelt went from Kettle Hill to San Juan Heights is still uncertain.

What we do know for sure is that Colonel Theodore Roosevelt led troops into what they had to have thought was near certain death.

Quite a fellow, that Teddy Roosevelt.

Nobody knows what fueled the inner fire that led Roosevelt to physical bravery. The popular speculation was that he lived his life reacting to, and overcoming, the limitations of a sickly childhood. He had been stricken with such severe asthma that it had not been certain he would even survive into adulthood. He found his condition intolerable, and he overcame it with a combination of strenuous exertion and sheer willpower.

He was brave and powerful because he knew no other way to lead a life that he could tolerate.

Some have attempted to peer into the psyche of John F. Kennedy, speculating about what could have driven him into wartime danger. Like Roosevelt, it may have been a childhood of frailty. He was born pounds below a safe and healthy weight. He was stricken with one serious illness after another. At age three, deadly scarlet fever nearly killed him. A grim family joke came to be. If a mosquito bit young Jack, the mosquito would die.
Continue reading “The Bravest President”

CPAC – Crazy People Action Committee!

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From Max’s Dad:

It’s the annual gathering of neo-fascists, dummies and closet cases in DC this week when CPAC holds their annual screechfest. In the past we might get the sight of El Rushbo dressed like and Eastern European mobster hopping up and down as nerdboys ejaculated red white and blue all over each other.

But this year, in the wake of another NRA sponsored slaughter of young people, CPAC is just another swarm of soulless miscreants bent on worshiping their cult leader and calling dead and wounded students snowflakes.

Forget about the day that domestic terrorist Wayne LaPierre ranted and raved about gun issues like the EPA and socialism. Forget about human praying mantis Dana Loesch telling the fawning geeks that CNN loves mass murder and treasures crying white mothers. Both these inhuman heartless nutjobs deserve scorn and shame. Yes I know they have none.

Friday featured the appearance of Cult Leader In Chief Donald F Trump.

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Troubling Study Finds Majority Who Got It Don’t Flaunt It

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From The Onion:

ITHACA, NY—In an effort to raise awareness on a potentially massive squandering of personal resources by thousands of hip, happening Americans, analysts at Cornell University published an alarming study Monday confirming that the vast majority of citizens who have got it fail to regularly and persistently flaunt it.

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If Earth Was Given to Humans by God Is It Ours to Exploit?

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From The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser:

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. (Genesis 1:26-28)

Generations of Evangelicals have taken these verses and others to mean that the Christian God has given the earth and everything living upon it to them for their use; that they are to have dominion over the earth; that everything on earth is given to them by God for their use and benefit; that human need, want, and use comes before anything else. Don’t like this human-centric view of the world? Blame God, Evangelicals say.

Want to understand why millions of Evangelicals have zero concern over global climate change/warming, endangered species, or immoral capitalism? You can trace their indifference back to the belief that mankind is the ruler of planet earth and that they are free to use it any way they want. There are Evangelicals who have embraced a more nuanced view, believing that God gave the earth to us to be stewards over, and not to exploit it for our own needs, but for the most part, God’s chosen ones believe that the earth is theirs to use, abuse, and misuse.

Ask Evangelicals what will happen when this world is all used up and they will likely tell you that such a scenario will never happen or that God is planning to make a new Heaven and a New Earth, so there’s no need to worry.

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