Time Travel into the 90s

found online by Raymond

From PZ Myers:

I think the death of Art Bell put me in a time warp. Here’s an interesting story about an army fellow who actually was listening in on Art Bell’s broadcasts while looking for Russkis. He makes the same point I did, that he really was an enabler for the alt-right and wackaloon conservatism.

Once I learned what had happened, I could no longer listen to those favorite talk radio shows anymore. Alex Jones was not simply a funny or stupid clown now. I understood that he was not simply sharing airwaves with disturbed people and utter fanatics, he was borrowing their silly ideas, and listeners who would not otherwise accept anti-Semitic or racist material learned to accept the narrative frameworks of those ideas through him.

As Jones made it okay to believe in this alternate reality, Art Bell made it okay to believe whatever you liked, often on the same station at a later hour. Vampires and werewolves? Ghosts and goblins? Area 51 cover-ups of alien bodies and interstellar spacecraft? Subterranean lizard people controlling the banks? Maybe some of them were real, or maybe all of them were real.

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Other Opioid Crisis

found online by Raymond

From Our favorite Earth-Bound Misfit:

I got a taste of this when I had a surgical procedure recently. The doc gave me a prescription for a dozen Percocet tablets. From the reaction at the pharmacy, you’d have thought that I was asking for the limb of one of their children.

I know people who have severe back pain and other chronic pain issues. Mostly, the doctors are basically telling them to suck it up, stay home and suffer in silence. Because the doctors are afraid that some badged-up, gun-toting Federal beancounter is going to compare the number of patients, the number of prescriptions and pass judgment without a care as to what maladies are afflicting those patients.

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Dog Years of a Presidency

found online by Raymond

From North Carolina pastor John Pavlovitz:

By nightfall, after weathering another turbulent day here, I felt disproportionately older than I should have.

I know I’m not alone.

This exhaustion is a national epidemic.

This fatigue has become commonplace here now.

In this Presidency, America is living dog years.

We’re all aging unnaturally rapidly, friends.

This is what happens when every day is packed to bursting with real and manufactured crises; with perpetual legislative assaults, with relentless nonsensical Twitter rants, with continually cycling bad news stories designed to heighten our urgency.

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Public Gives A Resounding “NO” To Firing Of Mueller

found online by Raymond

From Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger:

Donald Trump has thrown a giant temper tantrum, both in appearances with the press and on twitter, after learning that his attorney had been served a search warrant and had documents in his possession seized (presumably that involved his connections with Trump). Part of his tantrum has been that he thinks the investigation being done by Robert Mueller is unfair, and nothing more than a “witch hunt”.

This has revived the possibility that Trump may try to fire Robert Mueller. We know he wanted to do that last December, and was talked out of it by cooler heads in the White House. But many of those “cooler heads” (both among White House advisors and his attorneys) are now gone — fired by Trump in an effort to get rid of people who did not agree with him. There may not be enough people left right now with enough sway over Trump to keep him from firing Mueller.

But if he did that, he would be getting himself in deep trouble. Many in Congress would see that as a bridge too far. Even more important is the opinion of the general public.

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Nat’l Security, Trump, Theft, Trump, Lawyer, Trump, Voters

One more thing: France, Britain, and the United States sent missiles into Syria to destroy a few air fields and chemical supply dumps. President Donald Trump and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis threatened the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Unless the regime refrains from further chemical attacks on Syrian citizens, the Trump administration will continue the Moral Equivalent Of War (M.E.O.W.).

Saturday Rate of Exchange:
Rating the Raid

from Raymond

So the US Attorney in New York acts on evidence originating with the Mueller team. The home and office and hotel suite of President Trump’s personal attorney are raided.

Burr Deming suggests a contrast:

Only a few years ago, conservatives were attacking President Obama for such scandals as disrespecting his office by wearing a tan suit and for putting his feet up on his desk. Those were the days.

Now we do not need to search for some whiff of corruption. It seems to exist everywhere there is an office of a department of the executive. If you could lob a tennis ball down any hall of congress, a corrupt official will catch it for you. If you pay him enough.

Infidel753 and Dave Dubya, who write persuasively at their own sites, react:


The suspected money laundering that would be involved seems to me too little to justify the enormous effort required for the raid to have taken place.

True. Rich men paying off women to keep quiet about affairs is probably pretty common. The true reasons for the raid likely extend far beyond Stormygate. We already know that for most of his adult life, Trump has been engaged in shady deals with shady characters. If Trump trusted Cohen to handle Daniels, he’s probably trusted him to handle a lot of other sleazy stuff too, and may well be continuing to do so now. The fact that Rosenstein handed this off to other officials separate from the Mueller investigation suggests that whatever they’re looking into isn’t connected with Trump’s official acts, nor potential grounds for impeachment. Nevertheless, if he’s involved in criminal activity unconnected with the government, that still matters. Anything that erodes his support among the Trumpanzees will make Congress less scared to impeach him for the things that are relevant, when the time comes.

I’d bet that the real grounds for the raid involve things that haven’t yet become public knowledge at all.

Dave Dubya:

the entire criminal enterprise that, under Mr. Trump, has come to be known as the federal government.

Libertarians and conservatives have long whined about the “unconstitutional” or “criminal federal government”.

And so have liberals.

The difference being for one side, taxes, regulations, and public health care are the “crimes” and oppressive “tyranny”. Never mind the Constitution calls for taxes, regulation of commerce, and provision for the general welfare.

For the other side, illegal and unprovoked war, torture, corruption by wealth, conspiracy to engage with Russian interference in an election, voter suppression, and unaccountable brutality from law enforcement are the crimes.

None of these are sanctioned in the Constitution.

So who are the “real Americans” here?


“Illegal and unprovoked war, torture, corruption by wealth, conspiracy to engage with Russian interference in an election, voter suppression, and unaccountable brutality from law enforcement” generally don’t involve raising taxes on the wealthy or otherwise infringing the libertarian view of their property rights (especially since Republican governments pay for wars by running up the deficit, not by raising taxes). Therefore, libertarians as libertarians do not feel concerned about them.

Trump’s corruption mostly involves greed. Libertarians generally consider laws and regulations which restrain greed to be illegitimate. They might be a bit discomfited by his using the power of government to boost income via emoluments, but as long as he signed off on a giant tax cut for the wealthy, that’s what counts.


PS: As for vote suppression, I recall many years ago reading a piece by a radical libertarian arguing that any participation in the mechanisms of the “tyrannical” state is so immoral that it is absolutely morally wrong to vote, even if you had the chance to cast the deciding vote to prevent Hitler from coming to power. It was the purest example of the ideological-purist, non-pragmatist stance that I had ever seen. I don’t know how more mainstream libertarians feel about voting.

Have a safe weekend.