Why James Comey Is, and Isn’t, Donald Trump


Senator John F. Kennedy had two huge political vulnerabilities.

One was that he was Catholic and many protestants had a deep and abiding distrust of what was sometimes called “popery.” If government somehow fell under the sway of Catholics, the entire country would be run from Rome. The Pope would oppress non-Catholic churches. Democracy itself would disappear. Kennedy dealt with that in a series of public appearances, clearly stating his opposition to any religious interference with basic freedom.

The other vulnerability was that he came from a wealthy family. He would be unable to relate to everyday citizens, insulated as he must be from the cares and pressures of ordinary financial life. He disarmed some of that concern by reaching out sympathetically to the working poor in West Virginia and in other states.

And he used humor. In 1958, he spoke to the Gridiron Club in New York. No recording is available of the future President at that moment. But Chris Matthews quotes from the transcript as Kennedy reads from what he told his audience was a telegram from his very rich father:

Jack, don’t buy one more vote than necessary. I’ll be damned if I’m going to pay for a landslide.

The Chris Matthews Show, March 13, 2011

A year and 8 months later, he won the Presidency by a hair. He later told audiences that he felt a little like a fictional mayor elected by a single vote. As Kennedy told it, every time that mayor ventured out, he encountered at least one constituent who would inform him: I’m the vote that put you over the top. You owe your job to me.

Hillary Clinton owes her Presidential loss to many things. If any one of them had not come together, she would be in office today. If the creaky old electoral college, that legacy from the slave-holding south, had been replaced, if she had not swooned from dehydration in the heat that New York summer, if she had devoted one more day to Pennsylvania, if she hadn’t chosen door number one instead of door number two.

But the final blow that did her in, that reduced a decisive 11 point lead into a “mere” 2 points, 3 million votes, was that series of needless public reminders of a gratuitous public scolding by the head of the Federal Bureau of investigation.
Continue reading “Why James Comey Is, and Isn’t, Donald Trump”

Trump Down, Comey Up, Racist PAC, Ayn Clinton, LSD

  • Jack Jodell at The Saturday Afternoon Post counts the most recent reasons my president should be removed by the voters.
  • @bjork55 at Bjork Report marvels that House Republicans did not seem to know that their preemptive release of the Comey memos would have an effect directly opposite from what they intended.
  • Wisconsin conservative James Wigderson reports that one time Democrat, now extreme right wing Republican Senate candidate, Kevin Nicholson has accepted the endorsement of a PAC run by racist scam artists.
  • Well, let’s see. Hillary Clinton makes a factual point. The geographic parts of the United States that voted for her tend to be those doing better, a whole lot better, than those that supported Donald Trump. Her point? Voters who support policies that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward, are more likely to support her, and that those policies are more likely to be successful.
    The conservative Weekly Standard attacks. She is just like the late founder of libertarian philosophy Ayn Rand, both believing that an individual’s economic success is the measure of that person’s moral worth. Sigh.
    Libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara objects. But only because the distortion is an insult to Ayn Rand.
  • M. Bouffant at Web of Evil remembers the origin of a very new hallucinogen called LSD.
  • The Journal of Improbable Research finds research by the Sociology Department of the University of Georgia into how to commit the perfect murder. Turns out it is very, very difficult. You’ll want to read the beginner’s guide first.
  • John Scalzi at Whatever reminds envious folk like me that some writers can make anything interesting. Anything at all. In this case, Mr. Scalzi buys a shirt.
  • This week’s note in Trumpian ‘Alternative Facts’ comes from Splinter News where Kellyanne Conway starts by accusing James Comey of characteristics rational folk would see as describing Donald Trump, but then loses her mind and accuses Comey of what Trump and pretty much all his supporters deny: that without Comey’s interference in 2016, Trump would have lost


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From Green Eagle:

Just to get things clear before the orgy of praise directed toward James Comey which is coming this week, here is the truth about Comey.

James Comey is a right wing hatchet man, who, in by far the most important act of his pathetic life, stabbed Hillary Clinton in the back in an absolutely gratuitous raising of an issue that he knew was a total lie, right before the election, and in the process did more than any single person, Putin included, to put Trump in office.

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Was Morning Joe Kissing Up To Trump Long Before Hannity?

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From Michael John Scott at MadMikesAmerica:

CNN’s “New Day” host Chris Cuomo took some subtle shots at MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough on Thursday morning, saying he never received the same amount of criticism as Fox News personality Sean Hannity back when he was known as the “Trump whisperer” and unofficial adviser to President Donald Trump.

In a conversation with CNN media analyst Brian Stelter, the New Day host took up a Washington Post report that called Hannity Trump’s “unofficial chief of staff.”

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Trump Nominates The Truly Terrible Wendy Vitter

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From Max’s Dad:

Vitter is truly an awful choice to be in any position of power. I wouldnt want this 19th century mind running a souvenir shop down on Canal Street. This backwater barrister has continually pushed the junk science of the pro-life movement, You know, the oldies like women who have abortions all get cancer cuz of Jesus. That Planned Parenthood “killed” 150,000 women every year with their birth control and their pap smears and their selling those baby parts and their abortion referrals and their looking up womens naughty parts. Hey come on, that’s her husbands field of expertise.

But the thing that Wendy Vitter did, or didnt do, says it all. Vitter, remember a LIFETIME federal judge nominee, would not say whether Brown vs Board of Education was correctly decided. You know Brown, the case that said yeah you know that Plessy v Ferguson deal, not so good. Separate but equal really doesnt work. So you white people cannot keep the blacks and browns and the Asians and the Indians out of your schools.

Nah, Wendy Vitter has no idea if that decision was right.

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Angry White American Conservatives

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From Dave Dubya:

We know the routine. When White American Conservatives feel their privileged social order is threatened they become angry. They started a Civil War when slavery was no longer accepted in a free country. They opposed the civil rights movement and school integration. The very same racism and resentment from the past lingers today and fuels the KKK, white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

You wouldn’t know it from their howling accusations about “Leftist suppression of free speech” in higher education, but far Right white hate groups have been increasing their recruitment activities on college campuses across the country. For some reason Conservatives had no problem when Liberty University de-recognized its campus Democratic club, saying the national party’s platform went against the school’s “moral principles”. But Trump is fine, amirite?

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Kellyanne Conway Admits Comey Swung the Election

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From Tommy Christopher:

The White House smear campaign against former FBI Director James Comey blew up in Trump’s face Monday morning, as counselor Kellyanne Conway admitted that Comey swung the election in Trump’s favor.

During an interview with George Stephanopoulos on “Good Morning America,” Conway tried to revive the original cover story that Comey was fired for his harsh treatment of Hillary Clinton.

“Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, in a scathing memo on May 9th and others, other former attorneys general, had called for Mr. Comey to step aside because they felt like he can no longer hold up the values of the FBI,” Conway said.

“He admitted to you that he purposely leaked information to a friend so that it would get into the media and trigger a special counsel,” Conway said. “This guy swung an election. He thought the wrong person would win.”

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There’s Always Work at the Post Office

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From driftglass:

For some time now, I have been hearing professional media persons waxing wistful and poetic with some variation of this kind of bosh (not an actual quote):

“There are a ton of super-ooper-duper-awesome journalists at Fox News! A ton of them! And sure they’re angry at how Satan is running the fascist propaganda dungheap where they work, but c’mon man, they gotta work.”

It has happened often enough that I think someone should point out that when you hear such talk, you are not hearing journalists reporting the facts of a story. You are hearing pundit break-room chatter from employees in a very small and fiercely competitive corporate media hiring/firing pool treading very lightly when discussing colleagues across the street but in the same business.

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