A Memory Trick for My President That Will Solve the Perjury Trap


Donald Trump is a forgetful guy. I can relate.

I’m always leaving my glasses in odd places. I have to think a little harder to remember names I’ve known pretty much forever.

My President is in his 70s now, and I’m close behind. The old joke is that when memory fades, we can save money on books. We can read the same mysteries over again and still be surprised by the ending.

In my case, lets update that to include videos from old television shows. I’ve been watching some programs from The West Wing. Remember that?

In one episode, a shooting nearly takes away some favorite characters. We watch scenes from their past as we wait to see whether they will survive. One character is an important advisor to the President: Toby Ziegler. We’re taken back to his experience as a minor political operative. He describes his success rate to a young lady he meets in a bar. She asks how many campaigns he has won.

Including city council, two Congressional races, a Senate race, a Gubernatorial campaign, and a national campaign…

He has to think for a moment.


None of them?

You gotta be impressed with my consistency.

He is questioned by an angry campaign official who is about to get him fired.

Do you enjoy losing?

Not that much, no. But then I haven’t had much to compare it to so…

He’s about to be fired because he gave the candidate, the candidate who would later become the President, a piece of simple advice. He is not fired after all, and that disastrous advice turns out to be an important reason the candidate goes on to win.

Toby’s perfect record of losing is broken.

I can’t say I learned much from that show, except there can be hope. I did hear a formula that I learned as a kid. When I have followed it, the most important memory issues have lessened, and sometimes even disappeared. I recommend it to my President now.
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God Votes Trump, Voters Don’t, Anti-Semitism, Anti-Rational Christians

Michigan Republican Seems Nice

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From tengrain at Mock Paper Scissors:

Hey! Michigan must feel left out! What with Washington’s Republicans having elected a White Supremacist to the GOP central committee, Michigan needed to do something to get back into the GOP Clown Car Driver’s Seat

Michigan State Senate candidate Mike Saari argues men being attracted to 12-year-old girls is normal because it’s in the Bible.

Saari made headlines last February after making deplorable comments about the female judge in the Larry Nassar trial concerning the sexual abuse of underage gymnasts, at one point calling the judge a “feminazi” and making crude reference to her sex life.

Oh, dear.

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Trump’s Dream of Unrestrained Powers Won’t Come True

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From Jonathan Bernstein:

Two memos from Donald Trump’s lawyers to Special Counsel Robert Mueller that assert broad presidential privileges, and a tweet from the president claiming that he could pardon himself, provide the case for an entirely unconstrained presidency. That’s not the whole story.

1. Presidents — and especially their lawyers — can claim anything they want, but that doesn’t make those claims true. Trump isn’t the first commander in chief who wanted to stretch the office far beyond what the Framers intended or the plain text of the Constitution can support. And his lawyers aren’t the first to make improbable cases about the presidency to prosecutors.

2. Even so, the claims of Trump and his lawyers are extraordinary. Presidents can obstruct justice: If they really could demand criminal investigations whenever they wanted, and shut down investigations whenever they wanted, they would truly be above the law even without the pardon power. The definition of what is legal would depend on what the president wanted at the moment, not on the bills he or she signed.

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74 Years Ago Our Flag Was Not a Symbol of Nationalistic Bluster

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From Glenn R. Geist at MadMikesAmerica:

Samuel Johnson is a hard man to figure out, at least for me. Americans are fond of insisting that taxation without representation is tyranny unless it’s Puerto Ricans being taxed. Johnson insisted that the colonies had no right to direct representation – because they were colonists.

Of course, the out of context quote about patriotism being the last refuge of a scoundrel might be his most repeated trope and of late the very word has begun to stink as it has so many times int he past when it’s become a metonym for obedience to authority especially as concerns moral and ethical abdication.

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Major Divide Between Wealthy and Poor a Good, Not Bad, Thing

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From libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara:

Economic inequality is indicative of capitalism’s greatest virtue; that people are free, through work and trade, to individually prosper as far as their ability, ambition, values, goals, personal circumstances, and moral character will carry them.

Prospering through work, no matter how great or modest the level of wealth, comes not to the detriment but to the benefit of others. Prospering involves trade, and trade involves a win-win outcome—the mutually beneficial exchange of value for value. It necessarily follows that personal betterment involves the betterment of everyone one trades with. The level of a person’s earned wealth correlates to the value added to the economic lives of others.

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Philadelphia Eagles Players Were Right To Take A Stand

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From Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger:

I am a Dallas Cowboys fan. I have something good to say about the Philadelphia Eagles about as often as Philly fans speak well of the Cowboys — pretty close to never. But today is different.

Donald Trump had invited the Eagles players to the White House. For him, it was a photo op, and likely another event where he could denigrate NFL players for having the audacity to exercise their free speech rights. But he cancelled the event after learning that 10 (or less) players were going to attend the event.

Trump then tweeted that staying in the locker room was as disrespectful as kneeling to the country. His inference that those players were being disrespectful to the flag, our soldiers, and the country is patently ridiculous. The Eagles were one of only 7 NFL teams that had no player kneel during the anthem (or stay in the locker room).

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David Brooks: Can This Marriage Be Saved?

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From driftglass:

Short answer: No.

Because if one spouse is hiding in the bathroom trying to defend the kids, and the other spouse is a MAGA Hat psycho who is gleefully coming after you with an ax, the marriage is over.

Longtime readers know that Mr. David Brooks The New York Times has a long-established habit using his column to to subtweet about the state of his marriage in the guise of of as shitty, ill-fitting metaphors about “relationships”. From me back in 2014:

At this point, guessing at “Why?” is a reflex, so of all the subjects available in the world, I had to ask myself why is Mr. Brooks — whose bread-and-butter has been pumping out horrid tripe about Fake Centrism, the sins of imaginary hippies and the merits of various crackpot Conservative economic schemes and military adventures — suddenly writing about grief and loss?

And if I had to guess, I’d guess because Mr. Brooks is currently going through a divorce, and that experience permeates everything.

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