Elon Musk Claims He’d Be Better Pedophile Than Thailand Rescuer

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From The Onion:

PALO ALTO, CA—Doubling down on a recent controversial statement he made about a British cave diver who helped free a youth soccer team from a cave in Thailand, Tesla CEO Elon Musk reportedly insisted Monday that he would be a much more innovative pedophile than rescue worker Vernon Unsworth. “Look, the only insulting thing I was trying to say when I called that guy a pedo was that he represents a laughably simplistic, outdated form of child molesting that is badly in need of disruption from Silicon Valley leaders like myself…”

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Trump to Putin: Thank You Sir,
May I Have Another?

Reporters Astonished at Putin/Trump Joint Event

It was an international first. Although similar feats have been demonstrated at other public exhibitions, primarily in show business, experts say it is the first time anything like it has occurred in public since the current US administration assumed office.

Onlookers were amazed as American President Donald Trump was able to speak while Russian President Vladimir Putin drank water.

Showdown at High Noon

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From Glenn R. Geist at MadMikesAmerica:

Typically, Trump lashed out at Obama when informed of the latest indictments against Russian intelligence agents, insisting it happened during Obama’s term and hoping you’ll not notice the tautology there since the election always happens before the successor is elected. Why didn’t he do something about it, he snarls? Because of course he did and 18 months afterward Trump was still blaming it on some fat kid in his mothers’ basement and calling the whole thing a witch hunt because Putin says he had nothing to do with it. Why trust the evidence when Putin denies it and there’s a chance to build another golf course in the Crimea.

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The Coldest War

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From nojo at Stinque:

These people have always been among us, their sins visited upon us, their prejudices and greed and fears smothering us through our government. They abide the slaughtering of innocents, the kidnapping of children, the targeted misery of others. They profess to be Christian, but they ignore the Gospels. It’s all Leviticus and Paul to them, never Jesus.

Meanwhile, record highs have been set across the Northern Hemisphere. It won’t be a Flood this time.

We are not yet hopeless — not yet ready to descend into late Twain or mid-Mencken — but only because we can’t bear the thought of letting the bastards win. There’s too much at stake to surrender, too many people who have it much worse than we do, too much love still in the world to forsake, despite dedicated efforts to thwart it at every turn.

And yet we wonder what it will take.

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How to Stomp All Over Conservative Academic Freedom

Over time, her vision had become her dream. The elderly woman wanted to open an outdoor craft show with participating artisans from around the country. A friend of the family owned some land in a little farming community and offered to make a small corner available for a short time.

But there was a problem. Her husband had been seriously ill for a long time, and she was devoted to his care. Her time was undependable.

A younger friend was available to help. They partnered up and the idea began to grow. Folks from around the country signed up to participate.

Then the unexpected hit and hit hard. A few local shops were in the business of buying and selling craft items and they did not take kindly to a new competitor.

The town had a little community weekly newspaper. A part-time reporter published a snide little piece on the front page. He implied a relationship between the elderly woman and the landowner going way beyond friendship. The timing was unfortunate. The husband finally succumbed and the article appeared as she sat at his deathbed.

She and I talked. “Now everyone thinks I’m a whore.”

I was especially interested in the local paper. The part-time reporter told me that it was okay to publish the piece implying a sexual relationship. After all, the woman was a public figure.

Later, a lawyer friend laughed. You can’t make a person a public figure simply by calling her a public figure.

Recent public attacks on a graduate student by a tenured professor at Marquette University in Wisconsin reminded me of the attack on my elderly friend.
Continue reading “How to Stomp All Over Conservative Academic Freedom”

Trump in Europe, With Friends, the Queen, Witches, Other Presidents

Trump and Putin- Why Alone?

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From Robert A. Levine at The Moderate Voice:

Presidents Trump and Putin will be meeting in Helsinki, Finland on July 16 after Trump attends the NATO summit and visits England. This would normally be news, but the real news is the
extraordinary aspect of this meeting as Trump will be meeting Putin alone. There will be a Russian interpreter, but no other Americans present. To say these unprecedented arrangements are strange is to completely miss the possible ramifications. Trump has already gone out of his way to praise Putin and Russia, wants to have Russia rejoin the Group of Seven, called to congratulate Putin on his election, and wants to lift some of the sanctions on Russia. In fact, he has not utilized all of the sanctions on Russia that Congress enacted and asked Trump to impose. Since the time of his election, for some reason Trump has treated Putin and Russia extremely gingerly, as if he is afraid to upset Putin. Trump has also angered our allies by declaring that Russia’s absorption of Crimea by military means was reasonable since most Crimeans speak Russian.

But why is Trump meeting Putin alone? With no other Americans there, Trump will be able to emerge from the meeting free to say anything he wants about what transpired. No one will be able to contradict him. With no advisers in the room, Trump will be able to make any secret deals he and Putin want, even though Trump may not recognize that it does not benefit America and in fact damages the nation. Why is Trump omitting advisers and Russian specialists from the meeting? Why is there no American interpreter to tell Trump about some of the nuances of what is being said? Will there be a tape made of the meeting that will be released immediately afterwards so that its contents cannot be altered?

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One Small Step, One Giant Leap

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From Green Eagle:

This is in the news today:

“BREAKING: White House releases Executive Order to end competitive selection process for Administrative Law Judges, making them political appointees who can be fired at will.”

There is a lot of talk already about how this will destroy a great part of the independent judiciary, and let a fascist boor like Trump fire judges for ruling against him. I’ll leave that issue for now, and just comment on this: Can you remember back, say, two years ago when a President using an executive order for the most minor actions was absolute proof that he was a Communist would-be dictator? Now, apparently crushing the independent judiciary without recourse is a perfectly acceptable use of Presidential power.

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