‘Leadership Hubris Epidemic’ and Frontotemporal Dementia

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From The Journal of Improbable Research:

What comparisons might be drawn, if any, between the grotesquely exaggerated, often self-destructive personality traits caused by damage to frontal brain regions and the behaviour of prominent characters in the world of business and politics who are suffering from ‘The Hubris Syndrome’?

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US Counterspy Warns World Cup Travelers’ Devices Could Be Hacked

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From Reuters:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The top U.S. counterintelligence official is advising Americans traveling to Russia for football’s World Cup beginning this week that they should not take electronic devices because they are likely to be hacked by criminals or the Russian government.

In a statement to Reuters on Tuesday, William Evanina, an FBI agent and the director of the U.S. National Counterintelligence and Security Center, warned World Cup travelers that even if they think they are insignificant, hackers could still target them.

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Curiosity Rover Finds 5 Bucks On Mars

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From The Onion:

CAPE CANAVERAL, FL—Stunned by both the sheer good fortune of their discovery and its implications for future exploration, scientists at NASA confirmed Friday that the Curiosity Rover had found five bucks in the red dust of Mars’ Gale Crater. “This is unbelievable—five whole American dollars!” said program director Jim Watzin, noting that the presence of a small bill suggests that future manned expeditions may one day be able to receive change back from cash transactions on Mars.

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The Capitals Win the Stanley Cup

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From Vagabond Scholar:

Sports fandom can be a bit of a silly thing. Most of us inherit our favorite teams from parents or other relatives. Maybe we develop fandom from where we live or once lived. And dedicated fans feel excitement and disappointment, sometimes significant amounts of it, all based on the actions of a person or group of people we can’t control. Fans can pour enormous time, energy and money into following sports, which might be better spent elsewhere. It’s pretty irrational, really.

But fandom can still be glorious.

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Is The U.S. Big Enough To Dictate Trade Policy To Others?

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From Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger:

Right after World War II, the United States economy was undoubtably the strongest in the world. One reason for that is because the European and Asian countries were devastated by the war and trying to recover. It left the United States in a position to dictate economic policy to the world.

The United States continues to have the biggest economy in the world — with a gross domestic product of about $20.41 billion. Is that big enough to bully the rest of the world into accepting U.S. trade policy. Donald Trump seems to think it is. He thinks he can put tariffs on other countries, and force them to give in to U.S. economic desires.

He is wrong.

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Voting is Our Superpower

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From Mock Paper Scissors:

While there is not much we can do to stop the criminality of the smash-and-grab Fourth Reich grifters, we can —and must—vote. It’s our only Superpower as citizens.

I know it all seems hopeless, we are told the system is rigged against us, and even amongst some of the louder, leftier voices (is too a word!), we hear a near constant refrain that both parties are corrupt, that there’s no difference between them, yadda-yadda-yadda. All with the intention of suppressing your vote.

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Kudos for a Vote Favoring Off-Shore Drilling

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From libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara:

Even if the climate catastrophists’ wild speculations about more extreme weather ends up to have a modicum of truth, what humane person would advocate, as a solution, a return life to the days when droughts brought famine? Fossil fuels are getting cleaner-burning all the time, thanks to ever-advancing anti-pollution technologies. (That’s why anti-fossil fanatics have adopted the “carbon pollution” mantra. But as anybody with a kindergarten level of science knowledge knows, co2 is not a pollutant.) Those who want to stop fossil fuel development, such as the quasi-religious, totalitarian Environmentalists, are inhumane in the extreme.

We must understand the full risk context. The risk of lack of reliable energy far, far outweighs the risk of potential spills. Fossil fuels are the best and most progressive energy source we have today. Yes, fossils have drawbacks, as does every energy source. But the risks of ending fossil fuels would be truly catastrophic. Technological progress may, and probably will at some point, arise to replace fossil fuels as the main driver of industry. But that could be decades or even centuries away. Until then, pro-life = pro-fossil fuels.

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The Clearest Explanation for Trump’s Foreign Policy

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From Our favorite Earth-Bound Misfit:

Is that he is Putin’s man in Washington.

  • Trump’s picking stupid fights with nations that are our allies. The insults being flung by Trump and his staff towards Canada were typically those used before beginning a war.
  • He’s continuing to ignore the evidence that the Russians have and are interfering in our elections.
  • At every possible occasion, he pushes Russia’s point of view.
  • He is advocating that Russia be readmitted to the G-7, ignoring that there are other nations which have large economies that have never been considered for the G-7.
  • He ignores Russian war crimes that got them booted out of the then-G-8 (annexing Crimea, supplying troops to the Ukrainian separatists and shooting down an airliner.)
  • When confronted with Russia’s bad acts, Trump has dismissed them by stating a moral equivalence between Russia and the United States.

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What If 1968 Never Happened?

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From Jonathan Bernstein:

We just passed the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. It’s not hard to argue that this might have been the assassination with the largest political consequences of the 1960s. Let’s play a little What If.

It’s virtually certain that Kennedy would not have won the Democratic nomination for president in Chicago. In the pre-reform system, winning a few primaries just wasn’t that important. As long as Lyndon Johnson backed Hubert Humphrey, Humphrey had the delegates necessary to win.

But with Kennedy alive, the disastrous convention might well have been very different, especially if (as Nelson W. Polsby once speculated) Kennedy had been offered and accepted the vice presidential nod.

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