The Republican Freedom Caucus Could Learn From AOC

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From Jonathan Bernstein:

Cooperation with the party’s mainstream works a lot better than picking fights with the leadership.

The verdict is in: Three months into her term, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez isn’t the forerunner of an emerging House Freedom Caucus of the left, no matter how many people have speculated that would be the case.

Conservatives are quite correct to dislike, or at least oppose, AOC. Her policy preferences aren’t just different from theirs; she is an honest-to-goodness leftist, which sets her apart from most mainstream liberal Democrats in Congress.

Her approach however isn’t remotely similar to the one House Freedom Caucus members took with their fellow Republicans. She treats mainstream liberals as allies with whom she will often disagree, not as the enemy.

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Alex Jones Admits He is Psycho

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From Iron Knee at Political Irony:

And then proves it.

Alex Jones of Infowars is being sued by several parents of the victims of the Sandy Hook massacre for spreading conspiracy theories claiming that the massacre was staged using actors. He also claimed that the children who died “never existed”.

In a deposition posted to YouTube, Jones defends himself by claiming that “a form of psychosis” brought on by the stressful nature of his job caused him to spread lies and unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.

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Fox Mueller, Barr Whales, Barr Chant, Trump Unleashed & Weak

Is America Gone For Good?

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From Bill Formby in MadMikesAmerica:

Every great civilization has to fall at some point in time in order to realize how fortunate it once was. Most do not commit suicide quite as quickly as we have, but they all do, eventually. Rome, Greece, the Egyptians, Spain, even England and France. To some degree I guess we are on the precipice of our downfall. I mean, Trump has not totally destroyed this great experiment yet but he is about to do so. He has shown us and the world that laws do not matter if one cons enough of the populace. After all, all a tyrant, dictator, or a king has is the belief of others that he is all powerful and everything he, or she, says is true.

Donald Trump has done a great job of brainwashing at least a third of the population of the American people. Some saw an opportunity to ride his coat tails to wealth. Others have saw an opportunity to be powerful and exert their hate toward others. There is no big secret here. It has been carried out numerous times throughout the history of mankind. Many of our forefathers ran from this but it has been with us all along.

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Pompeo Won’t Blame Kim Jong Un Personally for Human Rights Abuses

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From Aaron Blake at the Washington Post:

On multiple occasions, both Trump and Pompeo have opted to blame the regime rather than Kim personally. And on Wednesday, Pompeo got testy about it.

When the president you serve speaks glowingly about strongmen, it makes your job as his chief diplomat more difficult. Yes, sometimes you have to deal with such leaders, but you also need to avoid legitimizing them. You may be on the verge of cutting a deal, but does that mean you give the autocrat a pass on humanitarian abuses — even ones directly involving the United States?

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has been through this already with Jamal Khashoggi. Now he’s going through it with Otto Warmbier.

And on Wednesday, he got testy over it.

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The Music of Their Voice
(Grief and the Songs We Miss)

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From North Carolina pastor John Pavlovitz:

Recently my 13-year old was feeling nostalgic and asked to see some videos I’d taken of him as a child, so I rigged up the now long-antiquated camcorder through our TV, popped in one of the dozens of unlabeled mini cassettes from a shoebox and pressed play. It was my son’s 5th birthday, and he was first laying his eyes on the “big boy” drum set my siblings had chipped in on for him. He immediately sat down, grabbed the sticks and went to work with unbridled aplomb, and there was an explosion of laughter and cheers from behind the camera as we reveled in him. He was beaming there behind the drum heads, and I was beaming now, laying next to my son and watching this much younger version of himself.

I was lost in replaying the joy of that moment when I heard it: a sound that stopped me in my tracks. It was my father’s voice just off camera. He’s been gone for five years, but suddenly there he was, full-throated and laughing, talking to each of us in real-time. He wasn’t in the past in that scene—he was just alive. I didn’t have to try and recall what he sounded, like because he was speaking for himself. We were not a family living for years with this terrible attrition, we were whole again.

I thought I’d missed my father but I didn’t realize how much until I could hear him again.

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The Danish Burger Flipper

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From Infidel753:

This week I finally looked it up. It is true. According to Business Insider, fast-food workers in Denmark do make a minimum of $20 per hour, more than twice what Americans in the same job do. The article points out that the cost of living in Denmark is 30% higher, but the effective difference is still enormous.

Is Denmark an outlier for some reason? I was able to find a few other comparisons.

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Donald Trump’s 10 Most Pathetically Predictable Broken Promises

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From Jon Perr at PERRspectives:

Well, more than two years into Donald Trump’s presidency, his ardent supporters do seem to be standing by him–not because of the pledges Trump made to them, but despite them. As his gymnastic reversal last week on cuts to Medicare and Social Security was just the latest to confirm, that many of Trump’s biggest promises would be broken was pathetically, even comically predictable when he made them.

Here, then, are the top 10.

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Shocked Putin Realizes He Didn’t Conspire With Trump Campaign

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From The Onion:

‘Who The Hell Was I Working With Then?’ Asks Russian President

MOSCOW—Saying that he had been “totally blindsided” by the revelations from the recently released findings of the Mueller investigation, a shocked Vladimir Putin reportedly came to the realization Tuesday that he didn’t conspire with Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign after all. “What the hell? I worked so hard on this—if I wasn’t colluding with the Trump campaign, who the hell was I colluding with?”

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