Thank Veterans, Bannon Bumped, Kyle Cries, Fox Edits, BBB, Give Cruz the Bird

Thank you

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Combat Hero in a Library

[Written and published in 2008. It seems fitting today.]

Last evening he reacted with amazement. “You gotta be kidding me!” I had just mentioned I was writing about him. I thought for a moment he might object. As it is, I hope he forgives me for the details I may have gotten wrong.

It was one of several encounters I had happened upon with this impressive, self-deprecating man. I often stop by the local library, and that’s where we kept bumping into each other. The first time, he was trying to recover a lost file on a library computer. I tried to help him, unsuccessfully as it turned out. We talked about the coming election. He was for McCain, I for Obama.

Then he told me a little of himself. He is a war hero from the Vietnam era. That’s my description not his. He seems hesitant as he talks about it, and he talks about it sparingly. “I just went a little crazy,” he says. His “craziness” saved others who were in mortal danger, pinned down and taking enemy fire. He was later awarded the Bronze Star for bravery. That medal is awarded for any of several acts, but when earned for bravery in combat, it is the fourth highest possible military citation given by the U.S. Armed Forces.

For years, modesty and uncertainty of how it might be regarded prompted him to keep the award stored out of view. He would not expose this symbol to derision. It was his father who changed his mind. His dad had served in the Air Force in World War Two, flying over the Empire of Japan with General Curtis Lemay. He confessed to his son that he felt just a little envious. The younger veteran was incredulous and so his father explained, it was that hidden Bronze Star. The son objected. The old man was a hero many times over. He pointed to the many ribbons, medals, and awards the elder hero had on his own wall. “But I never earned a Bronze Star,” the father stated simply.

They are everywhere, these heroes who have our lasting thanks and admiration, earned in far off lands. They are lucky to have made it back, and we are blessed in having them back. A choir director, members at church, workmates, and casual acquaintances are among them. There are many more unknowingly met in bank lines and pharmacies, the routine encounters that are part of everyday life. I have a letter from a onetime coworker, recently assigned to Afghanistan. He has my prayers until the moment he returns.

My friend in the library had a special relationship with his dad. They each shared an admiration of the other, quiet and well deserved. The last act of that regard came as the son gazed into an open casket. He placed next to his father the Bronze Star that had been awarded for an act of desperation decades ago in a land far away.

The father had chosen his son well.

Women Attracted to Strength
Because Dinosaurs

found on Twitter by Burr

Sean Parnell(R-PA), Candidate for Congress

Yes, he said these words, on the record:

  • “From an evolutionary standpoint, it used to be women were attracted to your strength because you could defend them from dinosaurs.”
  • “The idea that a woman doesn’t need a man to be successful, the idea that a woman doesn’t need a man to have a baby, the idea that a woman can live a happy and fulfilling life without a man, I think it’s all nonsense.”

Returns Return, Jan 6, QTips, Dune, Haw Haw Hawley, Manchin, Economy

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FB Zucks, Willard, Small Members, Fauci’s Blasphemy, Groove w/Grover

How can anyone NOT love this lady?!!

  • So Facebook will become Meta? Well, just the corporation itself, right? Facebook will still be Facebook?
    Andy Borowitz provides the under reported rest of the story. Mark Zuckerberg’s image also needs a restart. He will be changing his own name to Mother Teresa.
  • Mark Z says the new/old company/platform will be dedicated to the metaverse. There is some debate among the elites about just what that means, since the metaverse is supposed to transcend mere social platforms, and kinda sorta make them impossible.
    Sarah Cooper has her own reaction:

  • Wisconsin conservative James Wigderson reads about the big renaming. Color him skeptical:

  • The innocent bunch of tourists falsely blamed for their peaceful attempt to visit the nation’s Capitol building on January 6 was a narrative that didn’t last for a New York minute. So the story metastasized into the innocent rally that turned into an impromptu march and accidentally became a spontaneous riot, stunning the rally sponsors.
    Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged explores the exploding evidence from the Willard Hotel that Trump’s allies, including members of Congress, were coordinating the whole thing and getting their minute by minute instructions directly from the Trump White House.
    So… some of our worst conspiracy theories are suddenly passing the solid evidence test, complete with documentation.
  • News Corpse examines Tucker Carlson’s latest effort to paint the Jan 6 insurrection as a false flag operation, with the FBI orchestrating the violence and blaming it on Trump.
    Well, it is different, I suppose. Most wingnuts I come in contact with on the internet, those thinking Trumpers weren’t really responsible, blame left wing infiltrators. Makes me wonder about anti-Trump antifa types dressing up like Trump supporters and storming the Capitol, trying to lynch legislators in order to overturn the election that Trump had just lost.
    But seeing the FBI now transformed into a leftist organization strikes me as even less likely.
    Freedom of speech did not apply to the lynch mob that succeeded in killing a few police officers and sending more to the hospital.
    It does apply to Tuck.
  • Hackwhackers doesn’t really need to make the case that Steve Bannon is tied to the violence of the Jan 6 lynch mob insurrection. Just quote Bannon’s own words.
  • Scotties Toy Box relates a sad saga through a series of Tweets as a Canadian Neo-Nazi plots with those of similar outlook in the US to hunt for minority victims to kill in the hopes of starting a race war.
    At sentencing, the would be race-based mass murderer tells the judge he had simply fallen in with the wrong crowd.
    Peer pressure. It’s a killer.
  • CalicoJack in The Psy of Life suggests that the divisiveness of zero-sum Trumpism has turned political debate into a series of win-or-lose sporting events. You don’t seek solutions or even a mutually beneficial compromise in a gladiator death-match.
  • driftglass gives us the last few years as a wild interpretive movie script. Entertaining.
  • Green Eagle might be trolling rightists if it weren’t just on his own blog. He highlights the most widely circulated of wingnut messages, along with his pithy responses.
    Green Eagle is a VERY patient individual.
  • Tommy Christopher watches British television as a conservative host badgers an environmentalist who is also a carpenter for hypocritically using lumber that comes from trees. Okay, so trees can be grown but, says the host, so can concrete. Then dumps the guest, seemingly for his astonishment.
    Imagine, anyone thinking concrete can’t be harvested from concrete trees.
    Next time I need a new car, I’ll be out looking for a good automobile orchard.

Continue reading “FB Zucks, Willard, Small Members, Fauci’s Blasphemy, Groove w/Grover”

Colin Powell, COVID, Press & Protest, Truth Trumped, McCabe Trumps, Porn


##duet with @andrejhepburn

♬ she knows – favsoundds

  • In the perpetual negotiation of the Joes: Green Eagle has an idea for Joe Biden on how to deal with Joe Manchin.
  • Glenn Geist, residing in MadMikesAmerica, is irate about the blithe misinformation, and lapses in logic, about COVID that have resulted in 700,000 deaths. He focuses on one self-proclaimed expert who is leading an unknown number into long stays in ICU units, forever damaged health and, for some, a final trip to the morgue.
  • A Million Parent March? Well… No, actually.
    Thousands protest? Nope.
    Hundreds turn out to oppose? Not that either.
    In a jurisdiction covering nearly 10 million residents, M. Bouffant at Web of Evil is irritated at news coverage about an anti-school vaccination mandate protest that numbers literally in the dozens.
  • The Propaganda Professor takes a look at the strange anti-vax narrative that conflates of vaccines with 1940s fascism.
    It is true that my high school education has faded, having been overrun with life experiences stretching out more than half a century.
    I confess I just don’t remember Nazi officials who had followed orders from Hitler or Mussolini having later been convicted of pounding on doors and begging inhabitants to accept safeguards from horrible death.
  • Scotties Toy Box contains news that Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer has turned back a challenge to Maine’s vaccine mandate for healthcare workers. The unsuccessful challenge was based on religious grounds. Seems vaccines are tested on human embryonic cells.
    Scottie helpfully lists of lots and lots of medications similarly tested. So the same religious objectors will want to avoid aspirin, Trump recommended hydroxychloroquine, and ivermectin (even for parasites in livestock).
  • At The Onion, Florida’s educational system is going full speed to stay up‑to‑date, revising guidelines to reflect the very latest misinformation.
  • Libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara says vaccine mandates work and vaccine mandates save lives. He goes on to say that vaccine mandates are wrong.
    Well, fair enough. Lots of things that work can be opposed on moral, rather than practical, grounds.
    He then quotes the Libertarian Gospel according to Ayn Rand. He thinks she supports his view. She doesn’t.
    Confronted with earlier epidemics, she opposed forced inoculation in which government agents might hold subjects down, if necessary, while administering involuntary vaccination. Mr. LaFerrara may be surprised to learn that nobody currently advocates that.
    He quotes her as supporting forced quarantines in order…
    to protect those people who are not ill … to prevent the people who are ill from passing on their illness to others.
    He seems unaware that today her logic is the precise rationale, not for forced quarantines, but for requiring mandates by major employers.

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Colin Powell

My thought



Jan 6 Flag, Trump v Jesus, 2024, Econ, GOP Fascism, Wings, Fox Tucked


##duet with @dmuzzyin ##OMG ##conferateflag ##historyhasitseyesonyou @north_omaha_cat_lady @boom_k_ @doubledeemuva @goddessmia20 @gondrethewordsmith

♬ original sound – Tik Toker

  • In Letters from an American, Heather Cox Richardson tells us that some fellow named Stephen K. Bannon is refusing to testify or produce documents in response to a subpoena from the committee investigating the Jan 6 lynch mob insurrection. He invokes executive privilege as claimed by Donald Trump. She explains the legal issues, beginning with: This is a weird argument.
  • Okay, so Steve Bannon is relying on an obviously bogus claim of Executive Privilege.
    1. Donald Trump is not President, so he cannot claim the privilege.
    2. If he could claim the privilege it could not apply to criminal acts, like what looks to have happened in connection with the Jan 6 insurrection lynch mob.
    3. Even if, by some cosmic sleight of hand, the lynch insurgency was not criminal, Bannon was not employed by the Trump administration in January. So… executive what?

    The investigating committee will meet Tuesday to vote on holding Bannon in contempt. Some very smart people ask an obvious question.
    Since the obstruction is sooooo obvious, why in the whole wide warming world will they wait until Tuesday?
    The Palmer Report examines that question and explains why Tuesday is the absolute perfect time.

  • Every once in a while, we’ll hear of a special American flag connected with some battle or other historical event. Flags are flown for short periods of time over the Capitol Building in Washington, DC. When we are told we will be saying the Pledge of Allegiance to such a flag, it is intended to give us an additional connection with something special, something national.
    Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged, watches a new tradition, saying the Pledge to a flag carried by the Jan 6 insurrection lynch mob.
    Connection with a special bit of American history, I suppose. Makes you kind of proud, doesn’t it?
  • Wisconsin conservative James Wigderson becomes impatient with a fellow conservative who suggests the main Jan 6 lynch mob transgression was that the mob entered a government building:

  • In MadMikesAmerica, Joe Hagstrom compares Donald Trump to Jesus of Nazareth. Guess who wins!
  • Hackwhackers unexpectedly finds common ground, complete agreement with Donald Trump.
  • Andy Borowitz reports that, for the sake of efficiency, Donald Trump will avoid putting the nation through the trauma of a costly election. He will skip the 2024 campaign and go straight to claiming he won.

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Refusing Executive Privilege:
a Dangerous Precedent?

found on Twitter by Burr