Ayn Rand on Pollution

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Libertarians and Pollution

From libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara:

To my knowledge, Rand didn’t spend much time specifically on the issue of pollution. But given that her political philosophy is grounded in the principle of individual rights, it logically follows that she would believe that anti-pollution laws have their place in a free, industrial society.

And she did have a few things to say explicitly on pollution and the government’s role:

As far as the issue of actual pollution is concerned, it is primarily a scientific, not a political, problem. In regard to the political principle involved: if a man creates a physical danger or harm to others, which extends beyond the line of his own property, such as unsanitary conditions or even loud noise, and if this is proved, the law can and does hold him responsible.

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Journalism’s Euphemism Succubus Strikes Again

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High School Students, Social Media, and a Racist Video

From driftglass:

I would like to imagine that a heated, principles debate over the importance of precision and accuracy in journalism took place in the newsroom of my local, dying newspaper when they decided to run with this headline:

Racially charged video from Auburn emerges on social media

Because the video in question is not “racially charged” or “racially tinged” or “controversial” or any of the other soft-language euphemisms that America’s most timorous profession seems to roll out every day in order to protect the delicate sensibilities of their fence-straddling Centrist subscribers and/or to avoid pissing off their racist Republican subscribers.

Because that’s what this video is.


Period. This is an observable fact —

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Epstein’s Death Should Generate Investigations, Not Conspiracy Theories

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From Marc Steiner at The Real News Network:

From the interview with Jeet Heer, National-Affairs Correspondent at The Nation:

JEET HEER: I think one thing to keep in mind is this most recent time, why did he end up in jail? It was because of diligent investigation by Julie Brown of The Miami Herald, who did this terrific reporting that really revived the case and made clear that the original 2008 deal was just unconscionable. There was something very fishy going on there.

A man was found guilty of multiple counts of child molestation and got this deal where he’s basically under house arrest. He has to spend the nights at the local jail, but during the daytime, he can go into his office. So, she revived the case through investigation and I think that’s what we need. We need investigation. It’s too important of a case to be left to conspiracy theorists. It should actually be handled by people who know how to investigate, which includes journalists, which includes law enforcement, and which includes Congress.

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Hypocritical Evangelicals Suddenly Triggered By Trump’s Profanity

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Evangelicals Pray to Their God

From News Corpse:

What’s more, while fainting at the sound of obscenities, these willfully blind believers have shown no concern for the caging of children, the blatant racism, the prideful boasting, the infantile and wrathful name-calling, the love letters exchanged with murderous dictators, the flagrant disrespect for the law, the determination to befoul the planet, the obsession with terminating healthcare for millions, and the ignorance of nearly everything, including the bible.

Early on Trump pretended to be a devout Christian solely for political gain. Never mind that his entire life has been a monument to lust, greed, and the rest of the seven deadly sins. When he was asked by Republican “Word Doctor” Frank Luntz, if he had ever asked God for forgiveness, Trump replied that he didn’t need to because he has never done anything wrong. No, really! He said that

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9/11 Rescuers and Their Continuing Struggle

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Police officer Mike Brennan, September 11, 2001

From Karen G. guest of Infidel753:
Asbestos in the World Trade Center — How First Responders Suffered from Exposure

When the towers of the World Trade Center came down they rained all kinds of harmful substances on the surrounding area. Many people were negatively affected by asbestos and other materials from the buildings, but none more so than the first responders. Some have died from related diseases and others are still sick. And they are still fighting for compensation and benefits.

Asbestos and 9/11

When skyscrapers like the World Trade Center towers are built, hundreds of different kinds of materials are used. Many are toxic when disturbed and inhaled and the tragedy of 9/11 sent more than 400 of these into the surrounding air. Among the damaging substances released into the air that day were cement and glass dust, PCBs, dioxin, lead, and asbestos.

Asbestos is a particularly insidious material. Inhaling its tiny fibers can lead to serious illnesses that are fatal.<>/p
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Separating Families is Wrong, America. Stop It.

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From North Carolina pastor John Pavlovitz:

This should be the final straw for us, America.

Compassionate human beings should not tolerate this.

People who claim to be pro-life should be brought to tears.

Those espousing family values should be fully incensed.

Anyone with children of their own who they love should be sick to their stomachs.

Men and women of every faith should be unequivocally condemning this.

People of conscience and morality should be unable to sleep.

Good people ought to be fully heartbroken.

This is a sharp line in the sand and we all are make our choice in this moment.

There is no neutral middle ground here, no hedging or justifying or entertaining of both sides.

There is no valid human opinion that makes this OK.

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The Prison Guard in the Cell with a Rope

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Jeffrey Epstein

From nojo:

First off: Yay.

We have no interest in capital punishment. No faith in it, really. As administered, there’s no justice in it — statistically, guess who’s executed disproportionately — and much cruelty, especially with states freestyling their lethal cocktails in recent years. There’s also no certainty to it — innocents die — and then, if you’d like to get into some geeky theoretical chatter about The State, we’re there for it.

But we’re no gentle pacifist. Sometimes you just wanna fry the bastard. But state executions are problematic in theory and application, so you settle for the justice that’s otherwise available and appropriate under law.

Unless some asshole wants to spend long, painful minutes asphyxiating himself while dangling from the ceiling, in which case, y’know, sometimes shit takes care of itself.


Oh, and since we brought it up, the timing kinda sucks.

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No One Trusts Bill Barr On Epstein Case

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Attorney General William Barr

From Frances Langum:

Trump’s Attorney General Bill Barr read a statement regarding the Jeffrey Epstein suicide. No reasonable person believes a word out of his mouth.

Bill Barr destroyed his credibility by engaging in a cover up in plain sight for Donald Trump on the Mueller investigation.

And now that the sh** has hit the fan (yes there’s always been sh** on the fan at the Trump White House) in the Epstein case, and trust in the DOJ is at zero, the only thing we know for sure is that there is no justice and no closure for the victims.

Jeffery Epstein’s lawyers are still getting paid, however, because they’ve requested a Fox News doctor be in attendance at the autopsy.

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Link Found Between Gun Violence and Cowardly Politicians

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From The Borowitz Report:

The study, which is raising eyebrows with its startling conclusions, finds that the most reliable predictor of gun violence is the “prevalence of quiveringly fearful politicians in positions of power.”

As part of the study’s methodology, researchers examining gun violence compared countries ruled by non-cowards with those ruled by gutless toadies.

“In countries ruled by non-cowards, such as New Zealand, gun violence is virtually nonexistent,” the study claims.

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