Challenging the Gangster Regimes

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Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Protests

From Infidel753:

The world’s two largest mafia gangs — the “governments” of Russia and China — have recently come under challenge from some of their subjects. These challenges are not likely to end well, but they serve as reminders of the long-term weaknesses of such regimes.

Since July, Moscow has been the scene of pro-democracy protests drawing tens of thousands of people. The immediate cause was the official “disqualification” of non-toady candidates for local office (Russia still holds “elections”, but de facto bars anyone not loyal to the regime from running), but the real fuel for the protests has been discontent with corrupt authoritarianism and lack of democracy at the national level. The regime has called the protests “riots” and reacted with mass arrests and beatings, yet the numbers grow with each march. The city has been put under what amounts to military occupation. Polling shows 37% of people in Moscow supporting the protests, 27% opposed, and 30% “neutral”.

So far the uprising doesn’t seem to have spread beyond Moscow, but as Al-Jazeera explains:

In a highly-centralised state like Russia, the capital is possibly the only place that really matters when it comes to regime change. It is indeed the peaceful revolution in Moscow in August 1991 that ended communism and precipitated the collapse of the Soviet Union. That revolution was preceded by two years of gigantic rallies with hundreds of thousands in attendance. Today’s protests are still a far cry from those, but they are growing…..

This may actually be the biggest threat to the regime yet.

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A “Gyroscopic” No-Spill Cup-Holder [New Patent]

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No Spill Patent

From The Journal of Improbable Research:

“For travelers, balancing luggage, a snack, personal items, and a drink can be difficult, often resulting in spilling of beverages either while walking around or while seated on, for example, a plane or in a car.”

What one needs, perhaps, is a self-stabilizing drinks-cup holder? And, fortunately, a newly patented solution has become available.

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Portland Seems to Have Weathered the Neo-Nazi Rally Just Fine

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Portland Right-Wing Demonstrators

From PZ Myers:

Much credit has to go to the Portland Antifa, who turned up in numbers to mock and dissipate any action by the racists. Eric Ward summarizes the day on Twitter, as does Robert Evans, with lots of photos. It sounds like the Proud Boys rally mostly fizzled, although there was a scattering of arrests and weapons confiscated. I think the best sign that they failed, though, was that they were reduced to arguing that they won because “Go look at President Trump’s Twitter.” He talked about Portland, said he’s watchin’ antifa. That’s all we wanted.. Your victory is getting Donald Trump to blab some nonsense on Twitter? That’s what he does every day while sitting on the toilet.

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Fox Poll Shows All 4 Leading Democrats Would Beat Trump

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From Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger:

This is the poll that has Donald Trump shaken. It shows. the four leading Democratic candidates would all beat Trump if the election was held right now — Biden by 12 points, Sanders by 9 points, Warren by 7 points, and Harris by 6 points. All of those advantages exceed the poll’s margin of error.

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Terrorists, Fine People, NRA, Israel, Truck Assault, Trump, Omar, Tlaib

Continue reading “Terrorists, Fine People, NRA, Israel, Truck Assault, Trump, Omar, Tlaib”

New Study Shows Transparency Can Lower Health Care Costs

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High Cost of Health Care

From Wisconsin conservative James Wigderson:

The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) released a study on Tuesday that shows greater price transparency in health care prices leads to lower costs for the consumer.

In an interview with Steve Scaffidi on 620 WTMJ, study author Will Flanders explained what other states have done to increase health care cost transparency.

“So we do have some states that are kind of leading the way on price transparency,” Flanders said. “What these states have done is they’ve set up an all payers database where you can actually see the average cost of someone with your insurance has had for a particular procedure.”

Using data from the Center for Disease Control, the study found that states that have this level of price transparency report a reduction in the number of people that say they can’t afford their health care.

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The Real Public Charges

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Lowest Paid, Hardest Workers, Keeping Country Running

From Blue in the Bluegrass:

The hardest-working and most economy-supporting people in this country have the lowest-paid jobs. Those would be the jobs the rest of us literally can’t live unless somebody else does them: the lettuce-pickers and all the other food crop harvesters, the toilet cleaners and the garbage collectors, the diaper-changing, vomit-mopping-up caretakers of our infants and our elderly.

They are the ones who keep this country running. They are the ones whose hard-earned taxes repugs are giving to the real public charges: the oxygen-wasting idle rich.

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The Cruel Message of Calvinism

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From Linda at The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser:

It was the 1970s. Hippies were everywhere. Stores carried posters and signs with slogans like: “Keep On Truckin’,” “Peace,” and “Smile God Loves You.” One week our sweet Sunday school teacher had a warning for us kids. She told us not to believe the signs that said “Smile God Loves You” because they weren’t true. God did not love everybody. I didn’t think much about this warning at the time. I was already learning not to question the things I heard in church. As the years went by and I transitioned from a curious child into a quiet teenager, I grew frustrated with church. Those early lessons about kind and helpful Jesus didn’t mesh with the grown-up sermons about a righteous, angry God. The punishment doled out by God at the Tower of Babel seemed like a prank compared to burning unbelievers in Hell forever. I didn’t understand what we were supposed to do for Jesus. I knew that He had died for us wicked humans, but there was something crucial I was missing. Why did all these people spend every Sunday listening to the preacher talk about it? What was the point? Our preacher spent a lot of time and energy ranting about all these other preachers who had everything wrong. There was a long list of these false preachers. He also had a long list of behaviors that would not help you get into Heaven: praying, tithing, getting baptized, helping the poor, caring for the sick, winning souls, going to church, volunteering in church, building the church, studying the Bible, serving your community, and on and on and on. I got tense just listening to him talk about all the ways you could waste your time trying to be a good person. It was like listening to a song with an overly long introduction. I kept waiting for the tension to break and for him to finally say what we should do to get into Heaven, but he never did.

It occurred to me that church was vastly different from school. In school, you learned about a new subject, studied it, took tests on it, then you moved on to the next level. You repeated this process from first grade to second grade to third grade and so on. By the time you got to middle school, you didn’t keep going over the same topics you learned in grade school; you were expected to have them memorized so they could form the foundation of more advanced subjects. Not so in church. In church you went every Sunday, year after year, to hear the same lecture about how horrible you are and how you deserve to burn in Hell and how Jesus would save you from Hell if only . . . something. What that something was, I couldn’t quite grasp. I wondered if I was dumb. Obviously, every other person in church understood it, so why didn’t I?

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