HBO Does Good – Watchmen

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Kirk-Holden War

From PZ Myers:


I had never heard of the Kirk-Holden War before. This was a real war in North Carolina, in which the Ku Klux Klan declared war against the state, the army was called in, and the KKK won, dictating terms to the government…terms that included allowing no Northern intervention in how they “regulated” elections, where “regulation” included murdering black elected officials. One outcome of that kind of action was that the victors celebrated by erecting Confederate monuments all over the place. Our country supported the oppression of a democratic majority! It still is.

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Fox News: Shaping the Reality of Fools

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Fox: Shaping Reality

From Mark D. Bittner at MadMikesAmerica:

Karl Rove warned us:

“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will —we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors…”

I would contend that Fox News helps to shape that reality of fools.

Never before have we seen that, and any Patriot SHOULD be stunned. That is straight out of Mein Kampf and Goebbels’ famous speech:

“We enter the Reichstag to arm ourselves with democracy’s weapons. If democracy is foolish enough to give us free railway passes and salaries, that is its problem… We are coming neither as friends or neutrals. We come as enemies! As the wolf attacks the sheep, so come we.”

These are the times in which we need to recognize the inherent sense of urgency that is now upon us.

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MAGA Violence, Colorado Walled, Lynch, Corruption, Barr, Biden Lips

MAGA Pepper Spray
  • How many MAGA folks will turn violent if provoked by that with which they violently disagree? M. Bouffant at Web of Evil notes a pepper spray attack on some non-violent anti-Trump protestors (videos included), followed by the arrest of the attacker, and sees a sign of more violent things to come when Trump gets tossed.
  • After 7 months or so, Margaret and Helen are finally back. YAY!
    Helen talks about Trump’s wall in Colorado right on the border with Mexico.
    HaHaHa. He was just joking, really he was.
    She suggests that something is seriously wrong with someone who ties himself and his administration into pretzel shaped knots because he can’t ever, ever be wrong, even about little mistakes that can’t possibly be m-m-m-mistakes. Because … Trump.
  • Laurie Baron at The Moderate Voice explains to my President, I suspect with exaggerated care, the difference between impeachment and lynching.
  • It’s all in the headline as Jack Jodell at The Saturday Afternoon Post manages a bit of pity for those trying to defend Trump lies. Or maybe the lack of content after the sympathetic headline is the message. Symbolism can be hard.
  • Iron Knee at Political Irony brings us Tom the Dancing Bug to explain the absurdity of current Trump defenses and why Trump still doesn’t seem worried.
  • tengrain at Mock Paper Scissors quotes my president on Rudy (“He looks for corruption wherever he goes”) and discerns a bit of irony.
  • Let’s see. GOP Congressional Reps object because Impeachment Proceedings are following unfair procedures, including conducting investigatory hearings in private. The rules were established in 2015 by … uh … the Republican controlled Congress. News Corpse suggests a bit of hypocrisy as Trump Attorney General Barr conducts a baseless investigation of FBI investigators of 2016 Russia interference. Seems Barr’s Russia probe is being done entirely in secret.
  • Green Eagle goes to the history books (which, for me, would largely be memory) to count Attorneys General in Republican and Democratic administrations and which retired with reputations intact and which did not.
  • In MadMikesAmerica Michael John Scott likes Bernie Sanders. Might even support him. One drawback: Bernie’s reckless minions who helped serve up Trump. Michael didn’t exactly say Bernie Bros are jerks, so I suppose there may yet be peace in the valley.
  • Frances Langum brings us a couple of lip-reading videos with Joe Biden as the subject, both videos hilarious. Other campaign targets are promised.
  • Lots of retractions. So, okay, turns out Hillary didn’t say, or imply, that Tulsi is a Russian asset, but rather that she is being groomed by the GOP for a third party. The always insightful Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged, insightfully makes an insightful observation. Tulsi pretty much underscores the underlying under lying by making Trumpy talking points on, of all places, Fox. Okay, so maybe shes a groomee after all. Still I do kind of wish Hillary would start of new tradition that losing presidential candidates are best not heard or seen or thought about. Like …uh… Jill Stein. Did I mention insightful?
  • Julian Sanchez of Cato Institution is interviewed about 2020 election security in a posted podcast.
  • Our favorite Earth-Bound Misfit briefly explains the how the crisis in higher education spreads to a similar crisis in military recruitment. Trump/Miller immigration policy makes both crises close to hopeless.
  • In about 5 seconds, Scotties Toy Box explains what the issue of deficit spending is really about.
  • driftglass briefly recites the story of how upstart Einstein with his weird theories was vindicated and ties it to media history of false equivalence. Balance at the expense of documented truth.
  • The Journal of Improbable Research finds a documentary about ongoing research into talent and meritocracy. Apparently, luck has more to do with it than is generally acknowledged. One study provides mathematical proof that organizations would be more efficient if promotions were awarded randomly.

Beware of Silly Season Campaign Reporting

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No They Won’t

From Jonathan Bernstein:

There’s not much happening in the 2020 race at the moment. That’s when reporters start chasing dubious stories.

We’ve apparently reached the silly season of nomination politics. That’s not surprising. There is, after all, very little happening on the surface at the moment. The basic stories about most of the top candidates have been told. And there hasn’t been much movement either in the polls or in endorsements for weeks. Even the latest round of campaign-finance reports was fairly dull. As Nate Silver points out, this is exactly the formula that gets reporters chasing new — and potentially dubious — stories.

And so we get late speculation about new candidates jumping into the race, fueled by quotes from big donors who aren’t thrilled with the current lineup.

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New Quinnipiac Poll Numbers Are Terrible For Trump

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Quinnipiac University Poll (Question 33)

From Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger:

Trump continues to be very unpopular. These are some of the worst numbers he has had. By a 30 point margin, voters oppose his betrayal of the Kurds. By a 19 point margin, voters think he has weakened the U.S. position in the world. By a 21 point margin, voters believe he has made the world less safe. By a 26 point margin, voters believe he was pursuing his personal interests in Ukraine, By a 12 point margin voters approve of the House impeachment inquiry. By a 2 point margin, voters believe he should be removed from office. And by a 20 point margin, voters think he is not doing a good job.

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ISIS families escape

From Tommy Christopher:

Reporter Confronts Trump Over Escaped ISIS Fighters Seconds After He Claims They’re ‘Largely’ Recaptured

On Wednesday afternoon, Trump spoke for about 15 minutes to announce a ceasefire agreement in Syria between the Kurds and the government of Turkey. During those remarks, Trump claimed that the ISIS fighters who escaped after Trump’s snap decision to abandon the Kurds have “been largely recaptured.”

“There were a few that got out, a small number, relatively speaking, and they’ve been largely recaptured,” Trump said.

But as he exited, a reporter confronted Trump, saying “Mr President, you said that the ISIS fighters who escaped have been recaptured, but today your top envoy said that’s not true, that they don’t know where they are. Do you have a comment?”

Trump ignored the question as he strode from the room.

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What do Evangelicals Consider “Moral Failing?”

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Evangelical Morality

From The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser:

Evangelicals believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God. Sin is transgression of the Law of God (as found within the pages of the Bible). Thus, you would think that Evangelicals would be diligent in keeping the more than 700 laws, commands, precepts, and teachings found in the Old and New Testaments. If the Bible is what Evangelicals say it is, wouldn’t it stand to reason that these followers of Jesus would commit themselves to studying, understanding, and practicing ALL that the Bible teaches — even the hard things? Yet, we know that Evangelicals don’t live differently from the unwashed, uncircumcised Philistines of the world. Outside of what they do with their time on Sunday mornings, there’s little difference between saints and sinners.

Every Evangelical is what I call a Buffet Christian®. Evangelicals, clean plate in hand, walk down the Bible buffet line, picking and choosing what to believe and practice, ignoring the rest. No one obeys all the teachings of the Bible. I don’t know of one Christian who even believes and practices the red words in the Bible (words attributed to Jesus) or Jesus’ most famous sermon, the Sermon on the Mount. Years ago, I told the church I was pastoring, that Christianity would be better served if Christians shut their mouths and spent the next five years putting the Sermon on the Mount into practice. Of course, neither I nor the people I pastored listened to what I was saying. We had a culture war to fight. Jesus would just have to wait until we conquered the United States for God.

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Not Voting is Not A “Statement”

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People Marched, People Died, for the Right to Vote

From North Carolina pastor John Pavlovitz:

Not voting essentially gives someone else a blank they get to fill-in on your behalf—since you aren’t present to tell anyone exactly what your values are, what boils your blood and keeps you up at night, what matters most to you. Whatever message you imagine you’re sending by opting out, remains unspoken in your head—and you end up saying nothing.

If there’s any statement choosing not to vote makes, it’s “I don’t care if I count.”

Generations of people spent their entire lives here unseen and voiceless, millions of others have braved bruises and bullets for the right to speak, a right that you have been handed upon arrival here and now so casually decline.

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Catholic Anger and the Amazon Synod

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Amazon Synod

From Infidel753:

Much of the traditionalists’ angst, however, has been focused on a ritual which was performed in the Vatican gardens at the beginning of the synod. This involved several Amazonian natives in traditional headdresses including a “shaman”, who prostrated themselves around a blanket scattered with various symbolic objects including two carved wooden statuettes of pregnant women. There was also a tree-planting. Several high-ranking Catholic clerics, including the Pope, were present. It all appeared very pagan, and traditionalists reacted with horror to such a spectacle unfolding within the sacred precincts of the Vatican.

Particular concern has focused on the pregnant statuettes, several of which are now set up in various places in the Vatican. Synod officials have been vague about what they represent, but they’re widely believed to be idols of “Pachamama”, a “Mother Earth” goddess worshiped in a number of native Amazonian cultures. Comment threads on traditionalist Catholic sites have been rife with calls for them to be removed from the Vatican and destroyed — by force and against the will of Church officials, if necessary.

Well, yesterday these calls were answered. Two men entered the church of Santa Maria Transpontina near St. Peter’s Basilica, removed five of the statuettes, and threw them in the Tiber river. They posted a video of the act and a short statement reading in part “Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, his Blessed Mother, and everybody who follows Christ, are being attacked by members of our own Church. We do not accept this! We do not longer stay silent! We start to act NOW!”

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Buried Oil Found

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Hidden Oil Now Found

From The Onion:

Scientists Discover Oil Originally Buried Deep Underground By Early Humans Desperate To Shield Humanity From Its Consequences

“Despite their cognitive limitations, Paleolithic humans could reason well enough to understand this mysterious fuel was plunging their world into chaos, so they used their primitive stone tools and dug as far down as they could, often hiding their oil in remote, inhospitable locations such as deserts or the Arctic wilderness. Of course, they assumed no person would ever be foolhardy enough to unseal the unspeakable evil they had buried.”

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