Refreshing Honesty from the GOP!

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From tengrain at Mock Paper Scissors:

The Republicans in Alamosa County in Colorado must have misplaced their dog whistle over the weekend:

Out of self-respect–be Republican. Democrats love poor people because they think that poor people will vote Democrat. Republicans hate poor people because they think the dignity of man is above being poor.

— Alamosa Republicans (@alamosagop) March 30, 2018

Holy crap, they used their outdoor voice!

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The Trump Base Is Hitting a Wall

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From Evan Sarzin at The Moderate Voice:

The sad-faced Coulter looked like a vampire at dawn who could not find the keys to her crypt. She elaborated on what she has coined, “Former Trumpers,” registering her utter disappointment.

“Don’t act like I’m a nut for wanting a wall. That was the chant at every rally. I didn’t make this up…I promise you we want a Wall. We don’t care who pays for it.”

The constitutionally acerbic Coulter has been around long enough to know Trump’s playbook, and she’s nobody’s Pollyanna. She wouldn’t be gulled by his wacky campaign promise. She’s speaking for the Trumpers, those people who don’t care who pays for it. She’s signaling Trump that his base is slipping.

Trump heard the drumbeat.

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None Dare Call It Conspiracy

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From M. Bouffant at Web of Evil:

If it’s not the Cult of Trump, Jesus or Moses but it’s the Cult of W. Fard Muhammad or L. Ron Hubbard it’s “troubling”. Or “unholy”. (Ooooh, scary!) And competition for the religious dollar, so in true market of ideas style, the right wants to see if they can get the gov’t. to lean on their competitors a little by skree-ing about another vast imaginary conspiracy.

Bethany Mandel / National Review:
The Troubling Connections between Scientology and the Nation of Islam
— Farrakahn receives a commission for each of his followers who undergoes a Scientology ‘auditing.’
— Scientology is commonly known as the religion of the stars. Its reach inside Hollywood is deep …
Sarah Lee / RedState: Unholy Union: Scientology and the Nation of Islam Join Forces
CommunicatorIC / Ex Scientologist Message Board: Members of the Nation of Islam are practicing the religion of Scientology.

Whatever happened to that right-wing concern/desire for “religious liberty”/theocracy?

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From driftglass:

It is necessary but not sufficient to use whatever talents we have to hang a lantern on the Conservative monsters and quislings who are killing the country.

We are also called to support those who will stand with us against the monsters, even as we acknowledge their imperfections. In the Liberal Blogosphere, respecting and supporting anyone who is not 100% Stein-Certified and Greenwald-Approved brings down the wrath of the Purity Angels, and over the last 13 years, this has cost me about half of my traffic. Which, as one of the last single-shingle, non-ad-supported bloggers still standing, meant taking a serious hit.

Was it worth it?

Damn betcha.

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Research Using Voodoo On an Abusive Supervisor

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From The Journal of Improbable Research:

Mistreated by a supervisor at work? Would it make you feel a little bit better if you could, say, torment a voodoo doll?

Professor Lindie Hanyu Liang (at the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics at Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada) and colleagues have investigated such things. In return for a $1 payment, 195 full-time employees living in the US or Canada participated in an experiment in which they were given the opportunity to retaliate (after recalling an abusive workplace scenario) against an online Voodoo Doll, provided by (“Your source for dumb stuff”) * see note below

“[…] we asked the participants to use the materials provided (e.g., pins, pliers, fire) on the doll over the next minute.”

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This is How I Want to Die

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From North Carolina pastor John Pavlovitz:

I know two things about my death:

I know I’m going to die.

I also know that when the time comes, it will likely come as a surprise to me.

Death is usually like that; it arrives as a rude interruption—leaving work undone, conversations unresolved, plans unfinished, dreams unfulfilled. It rarely let’s you wait until you’re fully ready to go.

Death leaves permanent ellipses where we’d have placed periods.

We will all be in the middle of something, of many somethings, when we are taken from here to hereafter.

As much as I can, I want to be prepared.

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Fondly Remembering Obama – 4/3/2018

Michelle Obama to children:

The 2015 White House Easter Egg Roll is right around the corner on April 6. We have had a lot of fun these past few years, and this time around we’ve got some new twists in store our theme is gimme five and I’m gonna be challenging all of you to give me five things that you’re doing to lead a healthier life.

Wondering why a few conservative friends fail to be impressed.

Why I have come to detest April Fools Day

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From PZ Myers:

Remember when you were kids, and people would prank each other with mild little jokes, and it was OK at first, and then it would get a bit tiring as the day went on, and as you got older the tiring phase would come earlier and earlier in the day? Well, I’m 61 goddamn years old, and the tired bit started at 12:01 am, like it does every day.

But that isn’t all. The fools have taken over, 365 days a year. Have you heard of Q/Anon? Here’s the inside dope.

There is a high-ranking official in the government calling themself Q, who is privy to dramatic state secrets that they have chosen to reveal on 4chan. Q claims the country is actually run by a gigantic pedophile ring (this is an echo of PizzaGate) fronted by the Democrat party, and that Donald Trump is a super-genius who has been playing 13-dimensional chess with everyone.

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