God, Guns and Lies

found online by Raymond

From Capt. Fogg at The Swash Zone:

“Be totally unafraid to challenge entrenched interests and failed power structures,”

said Trump to graduating students at a university that shares the dubious provenance of many other things that include Liberty, Freedom and Patriotism in the title. Like Trump University, it was founded by another megalomaniac with a narcissistic personality disorder and an angry, vindictive and graceless nature. I should say humorless as well, or at least immune to irony, as entrenched interests and failed power structures are in fact the notable characteristics of Trump and his efforts to bring us back to the age of Corruption and coal and a culture of every man for himself. The Trump administration is literally packed with representatives of established power and authority and yes, failed power structures and failed ideas. He’s pandering to future representatives of a power structure based on undemocratic un-elected authority over our lives. It’s fraught with punishment and persecution and they’re selling it with fraudulent and fallacious claims of victimhood.

“In America, we don’t worship government, We worship God,”

He goes on, giving a dishonest and unconstitutional hurrah to the biggest entrenched interest in Western History and fallaciously implying a binary choice between God and Government: offering the absurd proposition that anyone has been or has even suggested worshiping government.

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