Aspiring Tyrant Trump Seeks Loyalty Oaths in Pre-Election Purge

found online by Raymond


Enemies under every bed

From News Corpse:

The increasingly aberrant behavior of Donald Trump more closely resembles the frantic desperation of a cornered rat with each new revelation seeping from his leaky White House. And despite relentless ranting about alleged traitors in his midst, he still believes that he is besieged by closeted foes lurking in every shadow. That’s a symptom of an acutely paranoid sociopath who represents a profound danger to the public welfare.

Now there are new reports that Trump is taking even more radical steps to eradicate the enemies that he perceives as surrounding him on all sides. After expelling dozens of suspected turncoats from his administration, including at least four departmental inspectors general, Trump is escalating the war on his own staff. As reported by Politico

“In the middle of a devastating pandemic and a searing economic crisis, the White House has an urgent question for its colleagues across the administration: Are you loyal enough to President Donald Trump?

The White House’s presidential personnel office is conducting one-on-one interviews with health officials and hundreds of other political appointees across federal agencies, an exercise some of the subjects have called “loyalty tests” to root out threats of leaks and other potentially subversive acts just months before the presidential election, according to interviews with 15 current and former senior administration officials.”

The inquisition deployed by the Trump Brigades is forcing political appointees, as well as career professionals, to swear allegiance to Trump and Trump alone.

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