How Donald Trump Failed American Hookers

found online by Raymond

From Joe Hagstrom at MadMikesAmerica:

The great leader, Vladimir Putin, claimed his country had the most beautiful hookers in the world. Jive turkey Comey claimedTrump said Vlad told him this personally. My personal opinion is I don’t really care if Trump and Vlad talk about hookers. My outrage is that Trump didn’t promptly defend our great hookers and tell that dirty commie pinko Vladimir Putin that our hookers were the greatest ever.

Apparently, President Trump forgot about American Exceptionalism.

We do everything better. Our politicians lie, cheat and steal better. Our white-collar criminals are the best in history. These guys are great and they got a big tax cut. Our baseball is better than Japan’s. Our football is way better than that sissy soccer nonsense they play in Europe. They only do that better cause we don’t care but if we did we’d be great at soccer.

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