In Trump World Ignorance is Strength

found online by Raymond

From Bill Formby at MadMikesAmerica:

But through all of this, he has had one underlying theme. Disrespecting the traditions of his office and how it should be carried out. Disrespecting the underpinnings of the country’s democratic way of operating. Disrespecting the freedom of the press and of the very governmental agencies under his control. The highlights of demeaning his Attorney General to the public, demeaning the finest Law Enforcement agency in the world, the FBI, and bullying through a tax reform that is really a tax cut for the wealthy and the corporations while leaving the average person out in the cold after the first two years.

He has weakened the separation of powers by having his minions in Congress get on board his bandwagon about the incompetent FBI and the corrupt Special Counsel.

A quick note here; if you notice he starts the demeaning of whoever or whatever he is after and gets his followers going in that direction then pull back while they attack. Example, he is now saying he thinks the Special Counsel will be fair while his followers in Congress and Fox News look to remove him.

He is, right now as close to being a dictator as this country has ever seen. How difficult would it be for him to actually take over the country if this path continues? Everyone keeps saying, “He won’t do this, or he can’t get away with that.” But he does it and no one stops him.

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