Huckabee Sanders Gets Heckled Over Christianity of Deporting DREAMers

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From Tommy Christopher:

As Sanders wrapped up her characteristically brief 22-minute Q&A session, Karem shouted the question that no other reporter had thought to ask:

“Was the DACA decision a Christian decision, Sarah?”

The question has particular resonance for Sanders, who frequently deflects Trump’s misbehavior with professions of her own faith, but there’s also ample substantive basis for it.

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Trump’s Long-Term Gift to the Democrats

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From Earth-Bound Misfit:

I’m reasonably confident that Donald John Fucking Trump has delivered the Latino vote to the Democrats for the foreseeable future.

President* Donald Trump’s administration will “wind down” a program protecting hundreds of thousands of young immigrants who were brought into the country illegally as children, Attorney General Jeff Sessions declared Tuesday, calling the Obama administration’s program “an unconstitutional exercise of authority.”

The question, now, is whether or not there are enough Republicans in Congress who are willing to try and save DACA. If there are, then Trump could claim that all he did was force Congress to do the right thing. Which would then put the Democrats in a bind and, in essence, force them to help the GOP save themselves from Trump.

But I think that’s unlikely.

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Angry White Con-servatives And BLM

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From Dave Dubya:

Oh, no.

Back Lives Matter got in trouble again. Did they kill someone? No. Did they cripple someone? No. They protested a trigger-happy cop.

Ah, that’s the problem.

Whatever did that good police officer do? For one thing, he shot a fleeing black man in the back. But that’s ok, right? Anyone can make a mistake. Even trigger-happy cops.

Turns out this cop proved it’s really ok, and even did it again. Yes, he shot two fleeing black men in the back. One is dead and the other will spend his life in a wheelchair.

Black Lives Matter protested that police officer named Officer Ryan Pownall. This annoyed angry white con-servative, and Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police President, John McNesby, who called them “a pack of rabid animals” and said, “These are not activists, they are racist hate groups determined to instigate violence.”

Got the message? It serves those protesters right. Let’s dehumanize BLM and have more cops thinking it’s fine to shoot black men in the back. It doesn’t bother birther Trump, why should it bother all the other angry white con-servatives? After all, those black men are the real racists for protesting good white cops shooting Blacks in the back.

This is ugly racist core of con-servativism, folks.

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Harvey and Irma, Fast and Furious

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From Green Eagle:

Hurricane Harvey, which dumped the greatest amount of rain in a single storm in US history, is barely over, and the damage has barely begun to be calculated, when along comes Irma.

And here it is, earlier today. Have you ever seen such a perfectly organized hurricane? Irma is currently the second strongest hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic, with wind speeds only a few miles an hour short of the all time record of 190 miles per hour.

One storm after another. What will it take to get the right wing liars in this country to give up their multibillion dollar campaign of deception and finally admit that something is happening here that must be addressed?

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Ethnic Logic: Children to Become Strangers in a Strange Land


I cannot claim to be diligent about exercise.

It has been years since I ran or even walked for any purpose other than getting some short distance away.


It isn’t a defiance of mild medical admonition, exactly. It’s more an issue of time. Sometimes what is most important is not what is most urgent. At least that’s the story I tell myself.

I still see folks as I commute. You can tell the people doing their daily obligation to health and wellbeing. They do the same thing I sometimes did in my less sedentary days. I carried a stick. It was for a couple of reasons.

It signaled to me that it was time to adopt a fitness persona. Tired? Keep running because I had the stick.

But it was also for early morning or late night protection. I’m pretty big and kind of dopey looking. So nobody is likely to bother me. And walking in most neighborhoods is safer than you might think. But why take chances?

So I see folks walking or running with their sticks in hand, and I know they’re exercising.

A few years ago, one early morning walker in Montgomery, Alabama, suddenly found himself surrounded by police. Officers from two patrol cars were joined by another on a motorcycle. They questioned the man. Did he just come from South Perry Street? As questioning went on, the reason became apparent. The police had a report of someone walking with a crowbar.
Continue reading “Ethnic Logic: Children to Become Strangers in a Strange Land”

BEFORE Jefferson Beauregard Sessions Spoke for Trump, and AFTER

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From The Moderate Voice:

BEFORE Jefferson Beauregard Sessions Spoke for Trump, I’d labored through the night to create this prayer poster for the Dreamers — who are beloved to myself, my family and millions of people in our country.

I’d offered the prayer with a letter to my facebook page of 135,000 readers… they were in tight agreement that Trump should keep his promise to ‘protect the dreamers’. But we had heard distant thunder that he was going to go back on his word… again. So this:

“My Dear Brave Souls; I ask your prayers and mighty powers to still the hand of any person attempting to hurt “the Dreamers” who are young people brought to USA, often as infants and children, and who have lived here all their lives– many are now in their teens, twenties and thirties.

“There has been a compassionate program in our nation [emphasis on ‘our’ nation], called DACA, that allowed the kids and young adults to be here legally, but the man who was elected president of our nation, said last week that today he will either threaten to reduce dramatically or end the program entirely that protects our young here in the usa–

“threatening to tear 760,000+-800,000 families apart who have lived here for decades often, and the children never having seen or been in the country of their parents. Their home is the United States since they were young…”

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Antifa: It’s Not Rocket Science

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From Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged:

Sometimes, antifascism takes the form of violence. The above middle-aged woman is swatting a neo-Nazi with her purse. Her mother had been in a concentration camp. Some people who adopt neo-Nazi or “fashy” or “alt-right” or “alt-lite” positions think they are just being some kind of anti-PC comedians. They can pretend they were being contrarian or incendiary and laugh that they “triggered” some “Snowflakes”.

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Obama Cruelly Taunts Trump in Letter Riddled with Multisyllabic Words

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From The Borowitz Report:

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Barack Obama used the occasion of Donald Trump’s Inauguration to viciously taunt the incoming President by writing him a letter riddled with multisyllabic words, sources revealed on Sunday.

According to those familiar with the letter, Obama packed it with intentionally challenging words such as “reflections,” “adventure,” and “ladders,” in order to bewilder and infuriate Trump.

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