Who’s the Real Snowflake?

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From Gregory B. Gonzalez at MadMikesAmerica:

I always laugh when some Trump-supporting knuckle-dragger calls me a ‘snowflake’. I’m like, “Really? THAT’S the best insult you can throw at me? No wonder you have an IQ in the lower double digits!” Now think about that for a moment- these are the same people who believe Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act are two different things and think Fox News and Breitbart are credible sources of information. To say nothing of the fact that they blindly follow a man who gets butt-hurt every Saturday night when Alec Baldwin mocks him on television. Donald Trump is, as Bill Maher puts it- a whiny little bitch.

So I ask you, who is the real snowflake?

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Americans Are Warmer To All Religious Groups But One

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From Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger:

I found it interesting that every single religious group, except one, had increased in favorability with the public — and that was true of both Democrats and Republicans. That group was not muslims — it was evangelical christians. The evangelical christians didn’t lose any favorability, but didn’t gain any either.

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Alt Reality, Alt Right, Alt Jesus, Tweet, Russia, Flynn

Updated: Activism: Scandal? Treason? Take Action

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From Osirisopto at Mock Paper Scissors:

Back in November I said there would be many impassioned calls for the impeachment of Donald Trump before the weather warms. I also said this was not going to happen as long as the R’s control the Congress and Senate.

Get Real ( https://first-draft.com/2017/02/14/but-theyll-let-me-cut-taxes-mom/ )

The only way to do anything about the Russian Puppet and his nightmarish clown car of an administration is to take control of the US Congress.

And this is how

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The Lie as a Tool of Policy!

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From Jack Jodell at The Saturday Afternoon Post:

The countdown has officially begun: as of today’s date, there are only 1,068 days remaining in the term of this current abominable presidency, and I, among many millions, cannot wait for the next President to take office! While nearly all politicians stretch the truth for their own benefit, the Trump administration has implemented the lie as a tool of policy. From top to bottom throughout this wretched administration – from Kellyanne Con-job to Steve Bannon to Sean Spicer to Trump himself, we are constantly being con-job-the-lyiarexposed to one lie after another as these scoundrels begin implementing their pro-billionaire, anti everyone else agenda. Con-job’s mythical “Bowling Green Massacre” is a perfect example, but is far from the only one.

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Are You Still Paying Social Security Tax? SUCKER!

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From Yellow Dog at Blue in the Bluegrass:

The rich stopped paying yesterday. But they are still getting the max payout when they retire. When they retire on your taxes.

From Social Security Works:

This Thursday, millionaires and billionaires will stop paying into Social Security. To shine a spotlight on this unfair policy, Social Security Works is joining with Social Security Champion Bernie Sanders for a national day of action.

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Wonderful Idea, Isn’t It?

found online by Raymond

From Dave Dubya:

General “Putin Pal” Flynn has been exposed. He resigned, not because of what he did, not because the White House didn’t know, but because someone was patriotic enough to inform the public and report the truth.

And truth is the enemy of our authoritarian leadership. The Trumpists are scrambling, not to expose the Russian interference in our election, but to squash anyone exposing their sordid actions.

It’s a good thing we have a few patriots in the FBI and intelligence agencies who understand they serve all Americans, not just the Trumpists. They will be targets.

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