Getting Over It

found online by Raymond


Vice President Richard Cheney, indignant at Report on Torture

From Batocchio, the Vagabond Scholar:

The Beltway gang – or the Village, as Digby’s sometimes called it – generally doesn’t like accountability for their own, regardless of political party. The powerful rarely learn the error of their ways unless they are held to account. And when they’re not held responsible, it also sends the message to other powerful people that they can get away with misdeeds as well. Even if no one served jail time for lying the U.S. into the Iraq War or the Bush administration’s torture regime, at least we still could have a truth and reconciliation commission or something similar. But even that would go way too far for Beltway insiders like Peggy Noonan, who in 2009 said in reference to the torture regime:

Some things in life need to be mysterious. Sometimes you need to just keep walking. . . . It’s hard for me to look at a great nation issuing these documents and sending them out to the world and thinking, oh, much good will come of that.

Noonan, of course, was concerned with “good” coming to people in her social circle, of her class, not about justice for torture victims or all the other harm caused by the torture program. Nor was she concerned about ordinary U.S. citizens who might be bothered by abuses of power and might suffer the effects, later on if not immediately. She needn’t have worried; no one was held accountable, and indeed no good came of it, if not the way she meant.

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