Impeach, Triple Play, Hannity, Arrest in Iran, Kellyanne Losing It, Primary Fix

Sean Hannity Peeved

  • Jonathan Bernstein goes into impeachment, explaining why Republicans should fear the unknown. Has something to do with a scary non-sound in the dark of the night: the shoe that hasn’t dropped.
  • Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged looks through the Trumpy Ukraine‑gate claim of attorney confidentiality during the commission of a crime. She discovers that three-way-privilege is not always legal, even when it does not describe extra-marital fantasies. Nice touch, that.
    I confess to a little more skepticism since Robert Kardashian became one of O.J. Simpson’s lawyers a generation ago. He was hired specifically not to do a damn thing. Well… except to claim attorney‑client privilege about the garment bag full of evidence with which he had walked away as the murder was being investigated. What a friend!
  • News Corpse watches Sean Hannity become enraged on Fox News that evidence dares to emerge implicating him – Hannity his own self – in the force-Ukraine-to-smear-Biden conspiracy.
  • Well, here’s something I didn’t know before. In MadMikesAmerica, Mark Bear talks about one possible reason Iran shot down a passenger jet, thinking it was part of a US attack force. An American newscaster told Iran, and anyone else listening to his broadcast, that six American long-range, subsonic, jet-powered strategic bombers were on the way to bomb specific sites in Iran:

    Powerful US military forces, they are in position tonight.
    We can report six B-52 bombers are on the way to the region.

    The newscaster went on to describe the targets: oil refineries, nuclear power generators, as well as political and religious leaders.
    Mark has the video of Sean Hannity providing that strategic information. I thought that sort of thing, if true, would be a military secret. If it was a lie, it was a dangerous lie, as the loss of an airliner proved.

2 thoughts on “Impeach, Triple Play, Hannity, Arrest in Iran, Kellyanne Losing It, Primary Fix”

  1. The Journal of Improbable Research discovers research in New Zealand on facial recognition of sheep.

    I would argue that all those who would willingly allow facial recognition software to be imposed on their lives by government or corporations should, in fact, be described as sheep.

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