One Way the Trump Campaign Can Be Innocent of Coordination

How the Attorney General defines what the Mueller report defines as law:

Special Counsel defined “coordination” as an “agreement—tacit or express—between the Trump Campaign and the Russian government on election interference.”

Letter from Attorney General
to House and Senate Judiciary Committees
footnote, p.2

What the law actually says,
(Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002):

The regulations shall not require agreement or formal collaboration to establish coordination.

Page 1105, House Congressional Record
February 12, 2002

Now then –
What Attorney General William Barr says the report says:

The Special Counsel’s investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election. As the report states: “[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities. “l

Attorney General’s letter
to House and Senate Judiciary Committees, March 24, 2019

Any questions?

Death by a Thousand Cuts

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From Deborah Long at The Moderate Voice:

It is troubling to think that one half of the American electorate might be playing by a different set of rules than the other half. We all have the same needs: we all need better paying jobs as Kamala Harris says; we all need better and more affordable healthcare as Bernie Sanders says; and we all need more income equality as Elizabeth Warren says. Then why aren’t these policy proposals resonating with the vast majority of Republicans? Democrats are fighting for their lives, while the Republicans are merely fighting for their next win. What explains the idea that Republicans engage in climate denial while rising seas lap at their doors and 1,000-year storms flatten their neighborhoods? What explains their support for the right of anyone to own an assault rifle, even as gun violence continues to result in the massacre of grade-schoolers, maybe even their own children? And what could possibly explain their support of tax legislation that robs them of prosperity so that the wealthy are given the fruits of everyone else’s labor?

American politics have always been an exercise in strategic decision-making, but it has largely been played by the same set of rules. But what happens when one party starts to play by different rules?

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Ugly Americans

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From nojo:

Might as well call it: We’re about to endure one of the ugliest elections in American history.

Granted, we’ve only been around for sixty years of it, so we might be giving undue weight to the present, which, unlike the past, is always uncertain. And granted as well, the 1860 election had certain consequences that we’re not facing. Yet.

Funny thing about the Civil War: It broke out five weeks after Lincoln’s inauguration, and ended—

See, that’s the funny thing. It hasn’t.

We grew up thinking it had, that the Civil War was long past, that the colored drinking fountains of Jim Crow were artifacts revealed in old photos, that the moral arc of history was indeed bending towards justice, that there was an inevitability to it all, although you had to be very patient about it.

We were also born in an America that was almost nine in ten white folk.

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Malice Towards All?

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From Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged:

Everybody, even Trump’s biggest fans, knows he surely does have an enemies’ list. It likely includes both Democrats and Republicans whose lack of faith he found disturbing. I’ve noted that Sarah Huckabee Sanders Tweeted out a supposedly humorous media-based one. But then there’s the thirteen, or was it seventeen, or maybe nineteen, Angry Democrats that worked with Robert Mueller–those people, right? But what about the Muslim people he said he would ban from the US, and then did? And the migrants from South and Central America? And his political opponents, whoever they happen to be, who are subject to bratty name-calling and venomous treatment? He fights with even the dead, like the late Senator John McCain and First Lady Barbara Bush.

Trump is the president of malice towards all. If you can remember back to the 2016 campaign, Trump offered to pay the legal bill for anyone who popped a protester.

He was proud of a congressional candidate who assaulted a reporter. He encouraged a little bit of police brutality.

One of the astonishing things he said recently was that US troops at the border couldn’t get rough, almost as if he very much would like “someone” to. Like the “Second Amendment people” he wished would do something about his 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton?

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Why Not Make EVERYONE’S Income Taxes Public?

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From Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger:

There’s been a lot of discussion lately about whether Donald Trump should make his income tax returns public (or at least let Congress see several years worth of them). Personally, I think anyone running for public office should release at least five years worth of income tax returns — and ten years worth would be even better. Unfortunately, it looks like it’s going to take a court order to make Trump turn over his tax returns (and that court order will probably have to come from the Supreme Court).

There is a simple solution to all this — make everyone’s tax returns a matter of public record (which could be accessed by anyone). That may strike you as extreme, and I’m sure the rich will be aghast at that prospect. But it’s done in other countries, and has been done in the United States in the past (before the rich convinced Congress to outlaw it).

It’s not a crazy idea, and a good case can be made for doing it.

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Would You Vote for This Dead-eyed Ignorant Wanker?

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From PZ Myers:

Then you’re in luck! Carl Benjamin, anti-immigrant, anti-European Union, anti-feminist, all-around bigot, is running for a seat in the European parliament, on a platform of undermining the European Union. It’s a bit like those tea party fanatics who want to eliminate the federal government running for congress all the time, so it’s not that crazy.

Oh, wait…yes it is.

Anyway, his argument for why he should be elected is that he’s extremely popular with alt-right trolls on YouTube, so he has already succeeded in cultivating an electorate, which is, I guess, true.

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A Hilarious Takedown Of Trump At Buttigieg Rally

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From Frances Langum:

Getting Introduced by the Mayor of Austin

…this speech introducing Pete, is a barnburner, and also a funny attack on Donald Trump, worth the listen, and applicable to many Democratic candidates for president (all of whom wish their introducer’s speeches were this good). Good on ya, Steve Adler, mayor of Austin, Texas:

Let me ask you this question: Wouldn’t it be great if we had a president who was really smart? I mean really really really smart. Somebody who spoke multiple languages, including having a beautiful command of English.

Wouldn’t it be great, if we had a president who understood that freedom is sacred? And sometimes “freedom to,” like freedom to be who you are, and to love who you want, is as important as freedom from someone you fear. Who helps us understand and grow from what we fear, instead of weaponizing fear for political gain.

Wouldn’t it be great if we had a president who was genuinely humble? Who knows good policy cannot be uncoupled from facts and science. Who stands for democracy and knows that our country’s march toward progress happens when we increase our access to the ballot, and that wealth inequality threatens that very democracy.

Wouldn’t it be great if we had a president who listens? And actually answers questions. And in his answers teaches us something about nuance. Someone we would want our children to emulate. Someone who rallies our better souls.

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Our Panicking President

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From News Corpse:

Trump Whines that Congress Has NO RIGHT to See Mueller Report that He Said Exonerates Him

The smouldering fear that Donald Trump has been emanting for the past several months is escalating to a five-alarm fire. He is becoming ever more frantic about the legal jeopardy he faces if the report by special counsel Robert Mueller actually sees the light of day. Consequently, he is lashing out with renewed ferocity at Mueller, Congress, and the American people who overwhelmingly (87%) want the report released.

In an unusually light fit of Saturday morning rage-tweeting (he’s golfing), Trump reiterated his adoration for Kim Jong Un, whose leadership Trump praised for its potential to make North Korea “one of the most successful nations of the World!” It’s interesting that he has such confidence in this murderous, communist dictator, while he’s maligning American Democrats as “treasonous” and “socialists” who will destroy the nation.

Trump also retweeted his disgusting video associating Rep. Ilhan Omar with the terrorists of 9/11, despite the fact that he had already pinned to the top of his Twitter page. Apparently he wasn’t satisfied that enough of his Deplorables would see it and be incited to make more racist attacks and death threats.

In addition to those Twidiocies, Trump returned to his obsession over the investigation into his nefarious associations with Russia and obstruction of justice. It’s clear by the content and tone of his ranting that he is riddled with fear. And that all-consuming dread has driven him to a new level of panic and outrage…

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Andy Barr Is the One Who Needs to Apologize

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From Yellow Dog at Blue in the Bluegrass:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has done nothing to hurt Kentucky or Kentuckians.

Candy Barr, however, has done nothing in Congress BUT hurt Kentucky and Kentuckians with every suck-up vote supporting the Pumpkin Traitor and his efforts to impoverish, imprison and immiserate every non-male, non-white, non-christian, non-straight, non-rich resident of the Commonwealth.

Not to mention Barr and every repug lying non-stop about everything progressive Democrats say and do.

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez is fighting for economic, environmental and healthcare legislation that will lift Kentucky out of its repug-created morass of lethal dependence on coal, poverty and corruption.

Shame on you, Candy.

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This Vicious Buffoon Is a Vessel for All the Worst Elements of the American Condition

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From Charles P. Pierce Esquire:

We have had good presidents and bad—a Buchanan is followed by a Lincoln who is followed by an Andrew Johnson, and so forth. But we never have had such a cheap counterfeit of a president* as currently occupies the office. We have had presidents who have been the worthy targets of scalding scorn, but James Callender went after giants. We never have had a president* so completely deserving of scorn and yet so small in the office that it almost seems a waste of time and energy to summon up the requisite contempt.

Watch him make fun of the woman again. Watch how a republic dies in the empty eyes of an empty man who feels nothing but his own imaginary greatness, and who cannot find in himself the decency simply to shut the fuck up even when it is in his best interest to do so. Presidents don’t have to be heroes to be good presidents. They just have to realize that their humanity is our common humanity, and that their political commonwealth is our political commonwealth, too.

Watch him again, behind the seal of the President of the United States. Isn’t he a funny man? Isn’t what happened to that lady hilarious? Watch the assembled morons cheer. This is the only story now.

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