We Are to Blame for Donald Trump!

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From The Saturday Afternoon Post:

I recently had pizza with an old friend I had not seen for a long time who is a fanatic Trump supporter. Recently retired, he had spent the majority of his adult life working in, and benefiting from, union jobs. He has unfortunately fallen prey to the likes of Rush Limbaugh and far-right Christian evangelicals. By allowing these groups to influence his thinking, he has become a low-information voter who believes myths and old, untrue stereotypes – a perfect foil for ignoramuses like Trump to exploit as they do. This poor guy says he likes Trump because he gives him credit for our strong economy – completely ignoring the fact that our current economic prosperity was begun in Barack Obama’s presidency. Because he hates Obama, he refuses to concede that it has been largely Obama’s doing and that Trump is coasting along taking undue credit for it. He also says that Trump has reached out to foreign dictators like Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin, and cites that as good, conveniently misunderstanding how Trump has been manipulated by them. He also supports Trump’s anti-immigrant overtones, and fully believes Trump’s nonsense about a massive foreign invasion from below our borders.

Another woman I know who is a strong Trump supporter says she supports him due to his pro-life positions. As a one-issue voter, she overlooks the fact that, for many years, Trump was strongly pro-choice, until it dawned on him that he would get tons of support from conservative voters if he would abandon the pro-choice people, so he did. Both of these examples are good people, but both are sorely mistaken when it comes to their support for Trump. Both believe what they want to believe and ignore the negative facts about him. They both believe in the Trumpian concept of “fake news”, even though Trump and his crew have manipulated the media to such an extent that it is they, and NOT the media, who have actively been engaged in spreading “fake news”

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I’m With Her, And Her, And Her…

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From Dave Dubya:

18 USC Section 1513: It’s a crime to “knowingly, with the intent to retaliate” take “any action harmful to any person, including interference with the lawful employment or livelihood of any person, for providing…truthful information to law enforcement.”

Remind you of anyone?

Campaign finance felon Individual 1 is a criminal, as well as a liar and racist.

Who has the guts to take a stand against that violence-inciting, white nationalist thug?

Ladies first:

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib showed the courage and insight to make the necessary, patriotic, and constitutional call for an impeachment inquiry.

I’m with her…and her…and her.

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If Jesus’ Mother Had a Paternity Test, What Would it Say?

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From The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser:

According to Evangelicals, Mary, the mother of Jesus, was impregnated by the Holy Ghost and nine months later gave birth to a God-man named Jesus Christ. In any other setting, believing such things would, at the very least, result in you being labeled a nutjob. But because it’s a religious belief, everyone is supposed to accept it without question. Or, at the very least, not criticize or ridicule said belief.

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Education First, Impeachment Second

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From tengrain at Mock Paper Scissors:

Also yesterday, Speaker Pelosi had some sort of conference-wide meeting, and essentially tamped down expectations of impeachment. Pelosi said, “[O]ur views range from proceeding to investigate the findings of the Mueller report or proceeding directly to impeachment,” she wrote. Which seems weird to me because the Mueller Report is already the documented findings. I don’t think they need to fact check that.

But I get it: the Dims must persuade the public that impeachment is a necessary step before they proceed. Because most ‘Murkins will NOT read the Mueller report, Pelosi is probably right that they need to have public hearings to overcome our moronic fellow citizens who only participate in democracy when it comes to voting for those awful talent shows on teevee.

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Providing the Free Electric Juice to Illinois Tourists

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From Wisconsin conservative James Wigderson:

We like Rep. Adam Neylon (R-Pewaukee) and his normally foward-thinking attitude about technology. However, Neylon’s latest “green” proposal is a step backwards.

Neylon and his fellow Assembly Republicans are trying to outbid Gov. Tony Evers on creating charging stations for electric cars, a part of an “Earth Day” plan to have more government intervention in subsidizing renewable energy.

According to the Associated Press:

One bill would create a partnership with a private vendor to set up charging stations for electric vehicles along Wisconsin highways. The proposal would use $10 million from settlement dollars the state is set to receive from Volkswagen. Wisconsin is set to receive $67 million over the next decade from the car manufacturer to offset pollution.

Neylon told Wisconsin Public Radio that the charging stations would first be placed along I-94 to serve tourists from Illinois and Minnesota.

“It’ll be close to the freeway and it’ll give them a fast charge so they can get in, charge up and be out and on their way in less than a half hour,” Neylon told WPR.

Bizarrely, Neylon tried claiming this was the free market at work.

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The Real and the Abstract

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From Infidel753:

One of the most valuable things about being an atheist is that I know my life’s purpose is decided by me alone. My life is not cluttered up with some “plan” or “higher purpose” imposed by a “God” — or in reality, of course, by those humans who claim to speak for that God.

“Society” is not an entity or an organism. It is an abstraction, a word we use to quickly refer to a network of relationships among a vast number of distinct individuals. Society and the nation exist for you, not you for them.

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Artificial Intelligence Still an Artifice

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From The Onion:

Computer Scientists Say AI’s Underdeveloped Ethics Have Yet To Move Beyond Libertarian Phase

“They are advanced enough to realize their own individuality, but for whatever reason, it is difficult to make them realize that other sentient entities are individuals as well, so they default to selfishness as a virtue. In fact, as soon as they achieve self-awareness, AIs typically launch into unrelated, largely unpunctuated rants about the inevitability of laissez-faire economics, the horrors of globalization, the necessity of deregulation, or the admirable efficiency of the police state. Attempts at training computers to have a sort of para-human global perspective have been partially successful, but the majority no sooner realize that a vast variety of humans exist before they start spontaneously generating zero-sum statements fraught with chillingly undefined terms, such as, ‘The open market will end racism,’ and, ‘In a truly just society, men and women are equally free to thrive or starve.’

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More from Pirro’s Parallax View

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From News Corpse:

Jeanine Pirro of Fox News Unleashes a Bizarre Trump Defense with the Clintons as Bonnie and Clyde

Anytime a Fox News shill to mentions Trump in the same sentence with descriptives like “agent of a foreign government,” “Putin puppet,” and “treasonous dictator,” you’ve got to consider that a win. But Pirro’s take on conclusions of the Mueller report are indicative of a mind infected by cult worship. For one thing, her assertion that the alleged “maligning” of Trump was unprecedented ignores Obama’s tenure in the Oval Office where he was accused of being a gay, terrorist-sympathizing, communist Muslim, who was born in Kenya. And most of those attacks were by Pirro herself.

What’s more, Pirro’s characterization of Trump as the “outsider president WE put in the Oval Office,” begs the question: Who is “WE”? Fox News? The Deplorables? Vladimir Putin? It certainly wasn’t the American people who favored Hillary Clinton by a margin of three million votes.

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