Will Trump Prove Worthy of Ryan?

found online by Raymond

From Wisconsin conservative James Wigderson:

There must be days when House Speaker Paul Ryan says to himself, “Self, what did you get yourself into now?”

While others were rushing to get on the Donald Trump bandwagon, Ryan said he wasn’t ready to endorse Trump yet. It’s understandable. Ryan publicly criticized Trump for his behavior during the campaign. Given the bizarre accusation by Trump that Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s father had something to do with the assassination of President John F Kennedy, it seems Ryan needed to do a little bit more yelling at the presumed Republican nominee.

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One thought on “Will Trump Prove Worthy of Ryan?”

  1. Ryan believes that civility with the opposing party is not only possible, but necessary. That does not mean he is unwilling to challenge Democratic policies and ideas, but it does mean that Ryan will not engage in the name-calling so common in political discourse. Even when directly confronting the president over the budget or Obamacare, Ryan showed that a clear command of the facts combined with sound principles is better than screaming, yelling

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