Islamic Terror Returns To Britain

found online by Raymond

From Neil Bamforth at MadMikesAmerica:

To be honest internment is the solution. At least initially.

Any Muslim suspected of being a jihadi or supporting them needs to be interred. That ensures, if they are indeed jihadis or supporters, that they cannot harm innocents.

If, in turn, they are actually proven innocent then fine, they are released.

We can no longer worry about the human rights of Muslims in Britain if they are suspected by our security services of sympathies for Islamic State.

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3 thoughts on “Islamic Terror Returns To Britain”

  1. Devil’s advocate here. I don’t have the answer, but I have questions.

    Abandoning the rule of law recognizing innocence until proven guilty should work out swell. Has punishment based on suspicion alone become a “western value” now?

    That’ll teach ’em our way is best.

    This would certainly radicalize even more Muslims, like invading Iraq over lies and greed, and Abu Ghraib and Bush’s torture program did.

    I have to wonder if the author knows any Muslim personally. This doesn’t seem the best way to reach out to moderates, the very Muslims we need on our side.
    The Japanese Americans know all too well about this idea.

    “The West is ours. Adapt or leave.” That didn’t work out well for Native Americans, killed or placed under the “benevolent” reservation system imposed by the new “western values”.
    When will “western values”, now represented by Republican rule in the US and far Right rule in England, be compatible with living in harmony with nature, embracing peace over militarism, protecting the environment, and respecting our public resources?

    Maybe human values, instead of Western values, should be the standard?

    Perhaps all humans should be rounded up and locked away until they prove worthy of our eco-system, prove they are not authoritarians and racists, and show commitment to peaceful co-existence and human values… instead of western arrogance and greed, religious and far Right fanaticism, and rabid nationalism.

    That should work out swell, too. Just putting it out for consideration.

    Heck, maybe I do have the answer after all. 😉

  2. Who should have been interned after the attacks of Anders Breivik, Dylann Roof, that shithead on the Portland MAX train, etc., etc., etc.?

    Seriously, the main reason why most jihadist terror attacks in Europe are thwarted by the police before they’re carried out is that the police have a lot of sources among Muslims themselves, who tip them off when they get wind of something being plotted. Turning the terror problem into a generalized campaign against Muslims would not only radicalize many, but dry up a lot of those tips. It would make teroroism harder to fight, not easier.

  3. Dave Dubya has it right. The temptation, when confronted by attack, is to assign collective guilt to all who share a religion, an ethnicity, or a skin color with the attackers. It is understandable and completely wrong.

    The fact that, as Infidel points out, it is also self-defeating only compounds the immorality.

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