A TrumpWorld Grab-Bag with Everything Russia Wants

found online by Raymond

From Vixen Strangely Strangely Blogged:

As the departed comedian Joan Rivers used to say, “Can we talk?” Because it looks like Russia crooks its little finger and the Trump Administration is thinking of giving their spy facilities back. (Who knows what Trump is planning regarding other sanctions against Russia?) Just as with the bizarre exchange Trump had in the Oval Office where he shared classified intelligence and kvetched about what a nutjob former FBI Director Jim Comey was, it just looks really freaking weird. It’s like, can Trump & Co. just not act like they really are Russian puppets for a minute?

I dunno. Maybe they can’t. There is a problem with the tendency that Trump Administration officials have had towards withholding disclosure: it rapidly becomes difficult to determine what is true, and starts to prejudice opinion against assuming good intent.

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