Activism: The Secret of the 50 State Strategy

found online by Raymond

From osirisopto at Mock Paper Scissors:

[We’re keeping this on top today. Fresh(er) posts below. Make those phone calls, peeps. It’s a new year! — TG]

The secret is the people.

The 50 state strategy works because it builds on the strength of the regular people that make up the base of the Democratic party. The activists. The people who care enough to do something. Those who go out, connect with other people and build relationships.

We need to admit that bitching to your friends on a blog, having fun being snarky on a blog, or lecturing me on a blog isn’t going to make one bit of difference. Yakking with your friends on the digital equivalent of a barstool isn’t going to motivate any congressperson, city councilperson, Mayor, Governor or Senator to do anything.

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