Cuba, News Bias, Conspiracy, Missing Molly, Superheroes

  • Libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara at Principled Perspectives endorses a Democrat’s self-described rebuke of President Obama. Senator Robert Menendez (NJ) objects to the blame that our President puts on the United States for Cuba’s suppression of political freedom. LaFerrara cheerleads the rebuke.
    Age takes its toll. Saddened by my own mental lapse, failing to recall “blame America” rhetoric on the part of President Obama, I tried to refresh my aging, mushy, liberal memory.
    Michael is a great help, thank you Mr. LaFerrara. He links to the good Senator who, in turn, links to a National Review article by Elliott Abrams. In that piece, Mr. Abrams conducts research by consulting his own reasoning powers. He cannot imagine any reason for a relationship with Cuba other than a “‘blame America first’ view.”
    So it turns out that Michael LaFerrara joins Senator Robert Menendez who joins Elliott Abrams in rebuking President Obama for Mr. Abrams’ lack of imagination.
  • At Crooks and Liars, Frances Langum seems to have developed a bit of skepticism about the liberal views of MSNBC.
  • It isn’t just Ted Cruz. Other anti-immigrant conservatives also quote the FBI saying that Syrian refugees can’t be vetted. Tommy Christopher, at the Daily Banter, takes a closer look and wonders why media interviewers don’t do the same.
  • Jack Jodell at The Saturday Afternoon Post holds irresponsible media coverage of fake debates at least partially responsible for a Republican campaign that has become an international embarrassment.
  • Jerry Wolfe at Dog Bless Us One And All has tracked down the real motivation behind the obtuse anti-abortion outburst from Donald Trump that has ticked off pro-lifers. It seems it is a planned distraction from the Hillary plot to steal the Democratic nomination from Bernie. Yeah, that’s what he says.
  • The Big Empty has another new conspiracy theory about Republican implosion this one more plausible than most.
  • Yellow Dog at Blue in the Bluegrass articulates how and why we miss Molly Ivins.
  • NOJO at Stinque explains how Netflex and Marvel comics have joined to satisfy our basest violent impulses and our deepest moral ponderings. That was once a job for Superman.

One thought on “Cuba, News Bias, Conspiracy, Missing Molly, Superheroes”

  1. Remember when Obama did all of those things that he didn’t do? Remember when he said all of those things that he didn’t say? Well, he’s at it again. Let’s get him!

    It seems to me that conservatives shouldn’t need to deceive or speculate irresponsibly to oppose or rally others to oppose him. They find his real words and actions objectionable enough already. But for whatever reason, they feel compelled to invent their own narratives, convince themselves that the narratives are true, and draw upon them later for evidence in their arguments or for whenever they want to get angry about something. This sort of thinking makes for a prime breeding ground for conspiracy theories, which have indeed taken off over the last 7 years.

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