About That Violent Overthrow

Let’s not forget this

Documented reminder:

The January 6 Capitol riot was not the first time violence was presented as a political tactic.
One week before the last national election, Representative Majorie Taylor Greene explained on video to hesitant right-wingers, that they had to vote, because if they lose the election they will need to join with her in political violence:
The only way you get your freedoms back is it’s earned with the price of blood.

One thought on “About That Violent Overthrow”

  1. The irony of this and rhetoric like this is that Donald Trump is the one who literally said:

    “I like taking guns away early”
    “Take the guns first, go through due process second.”

    Drives me bonkers. Each political cycle it’s the same song and dance. Dems are going to take your guns/freedoms/children/hamburgers and each time the Dems win… GUESS WHAT DOESN’T HAPPEN.

    But, sure, The current Republican Golden Calf, despite saying he literally would take the guns away extralegally, is the one to keep the Dems from taking your guns.


    Got it.

    At some point, I have to believe enough people that vote Republican will wake up to the projection and gaslighting. Then again, I have that attitude toward winning the lottery. Both are likely never going to happen, much to the detriment of all.

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