Obama and Congress Mandate Fraud

found online by Raymond

From libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara at Principled Perspectives:

President Obama signed a bill mandating food labeling indicating whether the food product contains “genetically modified organisms” (GMOs)—that is, ingredients bioengineered to improve the quality, nutrition, or productivity-enhancing traits. I call it fraud labeling. Why do I call this fraud labeling?

Here is the definition of Fraud: “A false representation of a matter of fact—whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of what should have been disclosed—that deceives and is intended to deceive another so that the individual will act upon it to her or his legal injury.”

What is concealed? The fact that GMO foods have never been proven to carry any more risk to human health or the environment than non-GMO foods

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One thought on “Obama and Congress Mandate Fraud”

  1. He uses a defintion of fraud that he got off the Legal Dictionary and still doesn’t seem to understand that he’s using the wrong word. What legal injury does one incur with the GMO/Non-GMO Label on food? I’m actually right there with Michael regarding the the attitude against GMO, but his article is nonsense.

    “The government should not mandate food labeling. It should focus its energies on vigorously prosecuting fraudulent claims in food labeling.”

    Nonsense. Food Label standards should absolutely be mandated… how else would the Government be able to research and investigate into false claims on the label? Without a mandate, without codified standards, how would the government have a leg to stand on when going after false information.

    If the government passed a bill proclaiming that the sky is blue and that baby seals were the cutest animal in existance, this guy would argue the Government should not spend its time looking up at the sky and how calling baby seals cute is propaganda meant to influence public opinion against oil drilling.

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