Dirty Tricks

found online by Raymond

From Infidel753:

With less than three weeks left before the election, we’re seeing the usual Republican dirty tricks in all their slimy glory — mass rejection of minority voter registrations in Georgia, a law blocking residents of Indian reservations from voting in North Dakota, and bullying like this. I’ve also seen a ramping-up of troll comments on left-wing news sites — deriding this or that Democratic candidate as not progressive enough to be worth voting for, trying to re-ignite the Hillary-vs-Bernie infighting from 2016, etc. Some of these commenters may be Russian or Republican trolls, some may be actual far-left ideological purists — but either way the practical effect is to help Republicans, and that’s all that matters. Expect to see more and more of all this between now and election day.

After polls began to foreshadow a blue wave, though, I started wondering if we’d see something bigger and nastier…

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