Three Presidents Walk Into A Funeral!

found online by Raymond

From Max’s Dad:

Melania Trump is a person that has been treated like shit by the Debaucher in Chief. The GIFS of her sad face and her rejection of the Swinger in Chief’s hand have generated sympathy for her plight in life. Oh poor Melania. I feel so sorry for her.

Well dont say many of us. She’s a co conspirator in the Maniac in Chief’s coup. Going on news shows and pushing forward Birther bullshit about a real President. Participating in the Fascist in Chief’s rallies. Melania, an illegal immigrant at one point herself, participates in the immigrant bashing that the Bigot in Chief continues to blather on about. So no sympathy, right?

Well Barack Obama obviously can forgive by making the woman laugh for maybe the first time in years.

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