Trump Is Not Hitler

found online by Raymond

Green Eagle contrasts followers of Donald Trump with history’s real thing. Let’s not make the current variety more than a pale reflection.

From Green Eagle:

So, there have been few American politicians in our lives as openly nasty and hate filled as Donald Trump. But I think it’s time to stop the facile comparisons to Hitler. These claims prove to me, more than anything else, how knowledge of what Hitler and the Nazis were, has largely disappeared in this country. Here’s a bit of perspective.

First of all, the United States in 2016 is facing little compared to the massive trauma of Germany in the 1920’s, when Hitler rose to prominence. Yeah, our last Republican President gave us one of the most humiliating military disasters in history, and Republican economic cant caused a major disruption in the economy. But, in truth, the Iraq aggression really affected Americans in only very minor ways, compared to World War I Germany, where a large part of a whole generation was killed off, and the people at home suffered immense deprivation, only to lose a war that they need never have entered, and end up being charged massive reparations as a result. And the 2008 economic collapse, as bad as it was, was a minor disruption compared to the complete devastation of the German economy that took place in the twenties, leaving a large part of the middle class destitute. It is these people, not the poor, who formed the real core of Hitler’s support.

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