Trump is a Breed Apart

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From Joe Gandelman, Editor-In-Chief at The Moderate Voice:

“There is a Revolution going on in California. Soooo many Sanctuary areas want OUT of this ridiculous, crime infested & breeding concept,” the president tweeted on April 17.

What could he mean? Immigrants are breeding thoroughbred horses? Prize-winning cattle?

Or perhaps Trump was using “breeding” in the sense now popular among white supremacists?

Hmm. I wonder …

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Teen Reacts Perfectly to Racist Attack by Republican Politician

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From Tommy Christopher:

Drake Johnson, a high school senior from California, faced a racist attack from a Republican former elected official. But his response was absolutely on point.

Johnson tweeted a proud celebration of his acceptance to Harvard. Two days later, former Texas State Board of Education member George Clayton replied with a repugnant “joke.”

Clayton snidely asked Johnson, who is black, if his acceptance was based on “merit or quota?”

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Beats Per Minute Affects Bites Per Minute

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From The Journal of Improbable Research:

When it comes to eating in restaurants, some people like ambient music, some don’t like it, and others aren’t bothered one way or the other. But nevertheless, the question can be asked :- does the tempo of the music, measured in Beats Per Minute (BPM) affect customers’ Bites Per Minute (BPM) ?

A unique study, carried out by the Department of Psychology at Fairfield University, Connecticut, US, in 1985, set out to investigate.

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Three Presidents Walk Into A Funeral!

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From Max’s Dad:

Melania Trump is a person that has been treated like shit by the Debaucher in Chief. The GIFS of her sad face and her rejection of the Swinger in Chief’s hand have generated sympathy for her plight in life. Oh poor Melania. I feel so sorry for her.

Well dont say many of us. She’s a co conspirator in the Maniac in Chief’s coup. Going on news shows and pushing forward Birther bullshit about a real President. Participating in the Fascist in Chief’s rallies. Melania, an illegal immigrant at one point herself, participates in the immigrant bashing that the Bigot in Chief continues to blather on about. So no sympathy, right?

Well Barack Obama obviously can forgive by making the woman laugh for maybe the first time in years.

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Maturity, a Racist PAC, a Tantrum, a Political Campaign

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From Wisconsin conservative James Wigderson:

Let me set the record straight. I have offered to Moody and his predecessor the opportunity to comment on stories about the GOP Senate campaign, including the story that set off the tantrum. I have also offered to Moody and his predecessor the same access to RightWisconsin, including the ability to submit op-eds, that we have given Nicholson’s opponent, state Sen. Leah Vukmir (R-Brookfield).

We will continue to reach out to the campaign and ask for comments on stories. It is up to them to decide how they wish to proceed. They can sulk like Achilles in his tent, or they can engage our readers. But I want to make it clear to my readers that how the Nicholson campaign behaves is their decision.

Sadly, lost in the name calling by Moody is the news that Nicholson welcomed an endorsement from an alleged “scam PAC” with a dubious history.

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‘Vouchers Will Hurt Public Schools.’ So?

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From Libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara:

A typical argument advanced by defenders of the government (public) school establishment against school choice is that it will “divert funds away from public education and will ultimately have a catastrophic effect on public schools,” as this recent letter put it.

To which my answer is—So?

The entrenched public school establishment—the teachers unions, public school administrators, school boards—do not own the public purse. Those dollars belong first to the taxpayers, each as individuals. To take by force a taxpayer’s money, allegedly for education, and then deny that person the right to direct it as she chooses is a cruel fraud.

The dictatorial monopoly we call the “public schools” exists as it is only by force of taxation and compulsory school attendance laws.

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Why James Comey Is, and Isn’t, Donald Trump


Senator John F. Kennedy had two huge political vulnerabilities.

One was that he was Catholic and many protestants had a deep and abiding distrust of what was sometimes called “popery.” If government somehow fell under the sway of Catholics, the entire country would be run from Rome. The Pope would oppress non-Catholic churches. Democracy itself would disappear. Kennedy dealt with that in a series of public appearances, clearly stating his opposition to any religious interference with basic freedom.

The other vulnerability was that he came from a wealthy family. He would be unable to relate to everyday citizens, insulated as he must be from the cares and pressures of ordinary financial life. He disarmed some of that concern by reaching out sympathetically to the working poor in West Virginia and in other states.

And he used humor. In 1958, he spoke to the Gridiron Club in New York. No recording is available of the future President at that moment. But Chris Matthews quotes from the transcript as Kennedy reads from what he told his audience was a telegram from his very rich father:

Jack, don’t buy one more vote than necessary. I’ll be damned if I’m going to pay for a landslide.

The Chris Matthews Show, March 13, 2011

A year and 8 months later, he won the Presidency by a hair. He later told audiences that he felt a little like a fictional mayor elected by a single vote. As Kennedy told it, every time that mayor ventured out, he encountered at least one constituent who would inform him: I’m the vote that put you over the top. You owe your job to me.

Hillary Clinton owes her Presidential loss to many things. If any one of them had not come together, she would be in office today. If the creaky old electoral college, that legacy from the slave-holding south, had been replaced, if she had not swooned from dehydration in the heat that New York summer, if she had devoted one more day to Pennsylvania, if she hadn’t chosen door number one instead of door number two.

But the final blow that did her in, that reduced a decisive 11 point lead into a “mere” 2 points, 3 million votes, was that series of needless public reminders of a gratuitous public scolding by the head of the Federal Bureau of investigation.
Continue reading “Why James Comey Is, and Isn’t, Donald Trump”