My Conservative Friend is Taken In by Lies About San Francisco

Sean Hannity has shocking news.

We’ve got to turn to a very shocking story. It should make your blood boil.

The story concerns voting rights in San Francisco.

They’re now spitting in the face of every single law-abiding American tonight.

The spitting in our faces, assuming that we are all law-abiding and American, actually does concern a serious issue. It seems San Francisco politicians are about to seriously dilute the votes of legitimate citizens by registering immigrants.

City officials are now permitting illegal immigrants, other non-citizens, to register to vote in November’s election.

That is outrageous.

I’m against voter suppression laws, including laws that make it disproportionately inconvenient for some citizens to vote. And I get kind of mad at efforts by Republicans to make it harder to vote for people without drivers’ licenses, even when they have other forms of identification. People who ride the bus to work should not have to visit multiple agencies to get a picture ID, unless there is a compelling reason. If you have an election official assigned to visit homes with a camera, I’d be for it.

Not all restrictions are bad. Before Georgia State Representative Jimmy Carter became Governor Jimmy Carter, then President Jimmy Carter, he fought to restrict voting in Georgia to people who were still alive.

Seriously? Seriously.

For more than a hundred years before that, the immediate family of a voter who had recently died could certify in writing that they knew how the beloved deceased would have voted. And that vote would count. Yikes.

Later, President Carter worked for national standards against illegal voting. For the first time, anyone deliberately casting an illegal vote anywhere in the country would not only face extreme financial fines, but would also be looking at long prison sentences.

A while back, conservative activists tried to secretly record themselves voting in New Hampshire. They wanted to prove voter fraud was easy to get away with. The extreme fines and potential prison time may have been the reason one ran out of an election office chased by authorities. The conservative video had to be severely edited.

Harsh penalties work. Additional IDs do not. They only make voting harder for citizens who don’t already have them. That seems to be their purpose.
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