Today, Outside the Church Building

found online by Raymond

From John Pavlovitz:


You may likely find yourself in a church this Sunday. That’s potentially a fine, noble, and beautiful thing. There’s nothing at all wrong with gathering in a building with people on the same journey you’re on and seeking community and inspiration and guidance there. These are in fact, wonderful aspirations. And yet for all that might go on in that building, for all you may feel and hear and experience there—I want you to know that the building is not the point.

What happens in that building is not what matters. You can spend your morning in that building; you can raise your hands skyward and be moved to tears, you can hear words that challenge and encourage and convict you, you can sing until you shake the rafters and goosebumps line your forearms. Week after week you can enter that building and feel passionate and spiritual and committed—and week after week you can leave that building largely the way you came in, changing nothing about the world outside that building. And this, my friend, would be a sin.

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Political Aides at Gov’t Agencies to be Trump Eyes and Ears

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From Last Of The Millenniums:

Ah the return of ‘loyality oaths’.

‘Most members of President Trump’s Cabinet do not yet have leadership teams in place or even nominees for top deputies. But they do have an influential coterie of senior aides installed by the White House who are charged — above all — with monitoring the secretaries’loyalty, according to eight officials in and outside the administration’.

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Anti-Abortion is Anti-Life

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From Yellow Dog at Blue in the Bluegrass:

This is real terrorism. Denying life-saving procedures to women already grieving because a wanted pregnancy has gone irretrievably bad is viciously cruel. Justifying it with scare tactics that describe a safe, effective medical procedure as “barbaric” is nothing less than terrorism.

It’s amazing their tongues don’t flip right off their rollers when they lie like this

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Our World War I ‘Horse Heroes’

found online by Raymond

From Dorian de Wind, Military Affairs Columnist The Moderate Voice:

“Death and devastation made it a hell, the awful fires of which have not yet flickered out. So when you go out beyond and survey the duck-board tracks which lead to where our men are bearing the real burden and dangers of war, you think of our war beasts of burden that night after night traverse that foul and shell-torn country amid the loathsome vapours of the guns in performing their share in ‘carrying on.’ Can you wonder that there is a real affection for the horse and mule, and that they are indeed the friends of man at this tremendous crisis?”  — Capt. Sidney Galtrey

I have always loved animals, especially dogs.

No wonder there is a special place in my heart for our “Dog Heroes,” those four-legged warriors called Military Working Dogs, a soldier’s best friend, so often the savior of many soldiers’ lives.

There is another very noble and beloved animal that I also admire, one that plays a role in our military, albeit mostly a ceremonial one these days: the magnificent horse.

But even in the 21st century, horses have been used in combat. Most notably, we remember how our Special Forces warriors rode them into combat, and to victory, in Afghanistan against the Taliban after 9/11.

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Trump Remains a Wild Card on Filling Seats at the Fed

found online by Raymond

From Jonathan Bernstein:

Donald Trump declared his candidacy over eighteen months ago. He was elected a bit over four months ago. And we’re now about 50 days into his presidency.

And he’s still, after all that time, almost a complete wild card. We have no idea what he will do from day to day, on an incredibly wide range of policy questions.

Take, for example, one of the most important jobs Trump will have soon: Nominations for the two open seats, and a third upcoming vacancy, on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.

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