Does Leg Length Play a Determinative Role for Success in Ballet?

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From The Journal of Improbable Research:

A unique 2009 research project quantified (for the first time) the changes in elevation angles of ballet dancers’ legs between 1946 and 2004. Now a new study has examined (again for the first time) leg-length in relation to selected ballet performance indicators.

“The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationships between leg length and selected dance movements representative of power, dexterity, and range motion, in a sample of female ballet dancers ranging from recreational to professional standards.”

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Dancing With My Daughter

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From North Carolina pastor John Pavlovitz:

I was really busy last night.

As usual, I’d piled far too much on my plate and found myself at the end of another day; hovering over a screen and keyboard, feverishly typing, furrowing my brow—and feeling annoyed at the seemingly insurmountable, important things still unfinished.

My 8-year old came bounding into the room (which in itself felt like an interruption at first). I answered her succession of rapid fire questions abruptly without looking up—hoping she’d get the hint that I was preoccupied and stop asking.

She didn’t.

Then she said that she’d set up a light show in her room and asked if I’d have a dance party with her.

For a split second I considered declining and excusing myself; telling her how much work I had to do and how tired I was, and promising her we could do it another time.

Then it occurred to me that she didn’t want to dance another time. She wanted to dance with me now.

I realized that there are a finite number of times I’ll get such an invitation—and I’d never again get this one.

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Trump Exposes Himself As Mean, Petty, And Vindictive

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From Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger:

What if you had worked for a company for 20 years, and your peers considered you to be an honest and hard worker, but you got a new boss that hated you. He hated you because you knew he had mistreated your fellow workers and fired them without cause. You can’t win a battle with him because he’s the CEO and you’re just a worker, so you announce your retirement. But one day before your retirement takes effect, that boss fires you — and since he fired you, you will not receive the retirement pension that you worked for more than 20 years. Would you think that was fair?

Well, that is exactly what Donald Trump did to former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe. The actual firing was done by Trump personal hitman, Jeff Sessions, but make no mistake — this firing has Trump’s dirty fingerprints all over it. Trump has shown Americans just how mean, petty, and vindictive he really is by not letting McCabe retire with his pension. And he has used the office of the presidency to do it. It was a shameful act, and one that should anger all decent and hard-working citizens of this country.

All of that would be bad enough, but Trump then compounded his despicable behavior by celebrating it on Twitter.

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Keeping the Kids in School Instead of Protesting

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From Wisconsin conservative James Wigderson:

But kids should go to school, regardless of the special cause they believe in this week. Parents ought to know better. After all, it’s not like they can just walk off the job when they’re older to stage a die-in in the company lobby to express sympathy for some political cause.

And it’s even more amazing to me that the Women’s March is encouraging this sort of behavior. When I was a kid, if I told my mom that I was going to stage a protest by walking out of class, I’d have gotten such an earful I would have regretted even mentioning the topic.

There would be no point in telling my dad. He knew all of my teachers and he would have just called them before school to let them know I was not to leave the classroom for any reason. Teachers liked my dad.

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Putin Concedes Defeat in Pennsylvania Special Election

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From The Borowitz Report:

Speaking to reporters at the Kremlin, Putin thanked the many Russian campaign workers who tried but failed to propel the Republican candidate, Rick Saccone, into the winner’s circle.

“Our social-media trolls did some of their finest work to put Rick over the top, but, in the final analysis, we were a day late and a ruble short,” the Russian President said.

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A Retired Four-Star General Speaks Out

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From Dorian de Wind, Military Affairs Columnist at The Moderate Voice:

Trying to make some sense of last night’s dastardly “Friday Night Slaughter,” I found myself almost without words.

However, even before Trump, in a most cowardly manner, had his Attorney General fire former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe — on a late Friday night and a little more than 24 hours before he was set to retire — a highly decorated, respected, retired four-star Army general said what so many American have been thinking all along.

This is what Gen. Barry McCaffrey tweeted yesterday about the president who avoided service in the Vietnam War due to alleged bone spurs:

Reluctantly I have concluded that President Trump is a serious threat to US national security. He is refusing to protect vital US interests from active Russian attacks. It is apparent that he is for some unknown reason under the sway of Mr Putin.

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What Firing McCabe Proves

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From our favorite Earth-Bound Misfit:

It’s a move that will only please the microcephalics among the Trumpanzees.

Apparently, once again, the person being fired learned of it from outside sources. Which is another hallmark dickish and cowardly Trump move. Not to mention the overt boot-licking of Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions, who seems to be filling the role of the ultimate toady of the Trump administration.

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