Franken, Moore, and Doing the Right Thing

found online by Raymond

From Infidel753:

The message is very clear. When credible accusations of harassment and abuse surface, one party will deny them, smear and mock the accusers, dismiss the alleged acts as trivial, and use whatever other excuse or dodge it can to close ranks behind the accused. The other party will hold its own members accountable.

(Two points must be acknowledged here. First, yes, the acts Moore is accused of are much more serious than those Franken and Conyers are accused of. Nevertheless, the principle at stake is the same. Second, appeals to the presumption of innocence don’t apply here. If we were jurors at an actual trial, with prison time at stake, then yes, Moore, Franken, and Conyers would each be entitled to our full presumption of innocence and to a not-guilty verdict if the case against them could not be proven beyond reasonable doubt. But that’s not the situation here. In judging a politician unfit to hold office, the question is whether the accusations are probably true, not whether they are proven.)

The Democrats are doing the right thing. Abusers should be held accountable, not shielded for reasons of political expediency. We must not brush aside victims as expendable peons whose abuse doesn’t matter if it would sully the Important Man whose vote we need, even if Republicans do do that — for Trump too, please note, as well as Moore.

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