Woman Who Flipped Off Trump’s Motorcade is Fired

found online by Raymond

From Frances Langum:

Here’s a clear instance of a double standard in the workplace.

Juli Briskman works for a government contractor called Akima LLC. She is the cyclist who flipped off the Presidential Motorcade recently. The photo went viral, and Juli went to her HR department to admit that she is the woman in the photograph.

That afternoon she was fired for violating the company’s social media policy.

On the one hand, I have to side with the company because Juli put the photo on her Twitter header and used it on social media to identify herself.

On the other hand, another (male) employee posted “a f-king Libtard a-hole” and got a reprimand after removing the post.

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3 thoughts on “Woman Who Flipped Off Trump’s Motorcade is Fired”

  1. Juli put the photo on her Twitter header and used it on social media to identify herself.

    On the other hand, another (male) employee posted “a f-king Libtard a-hole” and got a reprimand after removing the post.

    We get it. It’s OK If You Are Republican.

    IOKIYAR is the law of the land. Don’t you know that yet?

    Exhibit A: Trump
    Exhibit B: Birtherism
    Exhibit C: The Party of Trump
    Exhibit D: Voter suppression
    Exhibit E: Denying the constitutional duty of a Supreme Court nomination from the Black Guy…need I continue?

    1. I wonder if the company’s reasoning here is that, since the man’s anti-liberal post never achieved a level of widespread public knowledge and he has not been identified, a reprimand and order to remove the post were sufficient. In the woman’s case, the opposite is true.

      1. The company doesn’t have to explain their reasoning. It can be as petty and partisan as they like. This is the underlying issue. “Right to work” is a lie.

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