You Might be a Trump Voter If – – –

found online by Raymond

From (O)CT(O)PUS at The Swash Zone:

There is a sheet hanging in your closet
And a gun rack hanging in your truck.
You think the stock market has a fence around it.
The ASPCA raids yer kitchen…

– More –

8 thoughts on “You Might be a Trump Voter If – – –”

  1. Yeah.

    It’s not like conservatives have demonized liberals as America-hating, freedom-loathing, dirty hippie commies with no family values.

    “Ignorance is strength”. Trump proved it.

    1. What I’m talking about:

      Saw this guy mocking a woman who had cancer & relies on protections under the ACA for healthcare.

      Started filming. He stormed off.

      Con-servative authoritarian Trump Supporter:

      “First amendment right to film? Okay. That’s what you’ve got, dude? Your First Amendment right to film? You’re a f#cking kid that’s never worked a day in your life.” (As his young son looks on.)

      “And people like you are the reason this country sucks now, dude. Because you never worked in your whole life and you’re here recording me. I pay for all my employees’ health insurance, ’cause they actually work. F#ck you and everybody else here who just wants free sh*t and a free f#cking ride. Seriously. Bunch of lazy f#ckers.”

      But liberals are soooo mean and divisive.

      1. Yes.

        Not helpful in creating positive political discourse, right? The individual you reference as your example is clearly in the wrong and being mean and being nasty over something he clearly doesn’t understand. People like that are not interested in a conversation; especially considering how he goes immediately to name calling and F-Bomb dropping. Who has he won over to his side by acting like a petulant child?

        I’m just saying that this post making lazy attempts at Jeff Foxworthy-esque jokes about Trump supporters is just shouting into the bubble. Being mean for being mean’s sake. Just like that pleasant fellow you linked to. I wonder if this fellow will find irony in the fact he was complaining about this person recording him not working while he, also, was not working.

        As I loathe doing the whole ‘both sides do it’ arguement; People on both sides of the fence can point to examples of jerks and A-holes to bolster their arguement or feel better about their side. I know it’s a pretty natural reaction to defend a liberal jerk by pointing out the myriad of conservative jerks. This isn’t defending the moral high ground, this is defending the moral trenches. You don’t win in trench warfare.

        I think a better tactic to take is to call a spade a spade and maybe folks on the other side of the fence will see you doing it and be more inclined and open to talk about opposing views. Hopefully without resorting to F-Bombs and Foxworthy jokes. Admittedly, I’m a little hypocritical. I’ve resorted to snide comments and jabs in the past, so I’m not perfect.

        All of us have these conversations with a desire to change minds and opinions, right? Just pointing to awfulness of the opposing side isn’t always an appeal to someone’s better side. The really entrenched are just going to dig their heels in more and defend that trench.

        1. Very well said, Trey. I too have been hypocritical at times and fallen short of my goals with this, but I agree that we need to condemn these excesses from all sides if we are ever to be able to have a civil discussion about ideals and that which brings us together as Americans.

  2. Dave, I agree with you. It doesn’t matter “which side” does it. It is not helpful to bringing our nation together and finding common ground to fix our nation’s woes. I don’t condone that from the right anymore than I do from the left.

  3. I would remind us that words of mockery may be some liberals’ reaction to demonizing from the Right, but actions of hate from the racist Right are far beyond any false equivalence.

    Monument honoring Michelle Obama ancestor is vandalized

    We all know this is but a mild act of hate from a long history, and growing threat, from far Right destruction and violence.

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