On the People’s ‘Influence’ Under Socialism

found online by Raymond

From libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara:

The essay Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian by George Reisman difinitively explodes the lie that Nazi Germany, a country controlled by the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, was a derivative of capitalism.

Yet, despite socialism’s brutal history, people continue to fall for the idea that socialism somehow empowers the people. Here is a comment from TomPaineCommonSense, posted under Reisman’s essay:

If Nazi Germany was socialist, how come all the corporate leaders, bankers, and military generals were able to make so much money and spirit it out of Germany through banks for themselves and their families? Why did their leading companies – steel, chemical, construction – make such fat profits from all the armaments, materiel? Why weren’t profits distributed to the people if it were socialism? Why would a socialist state form such a close alliance with the fascist state of Italy? WWII Germany had elements of private enterprise, fascism, and socialism blended for the economic and political benefit of their elites, and because the people had little if any influence I would say socialism was the minor element of their economic system.

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2 thoughts on “On the People’s ‘Influence’ Under Socialism”

  1. I find it funny how he quotes Rauschning’s The Voice of Destruction by way of Peikoff’s Ominous Parallels. He went out of his way to not use primary source material. I wondered to myself why he would do that then looked up Ominous Parallels.




    Let the light of Objectivist Truth shine bright! So long as I’ve got my Randian shades on.

  2. The radical Right has an ongoing mission to conflate Nazis with socialists and liberals. The neo-fascists rely on the word socialist in the NAZI acronym. Their projection conveniently ignores the first, and primary word in NAZI, “National”. They were nationalists, not socialists. Nazi’s were not famous for an agenda of universal healthcare, living wages, and aid to the poor. It was belligerent nationalism, reverence for the military, demand for social order by aggressive and brutal law enforcement, and racism. In other words, it was a far Right ideology.

    No wonder our neo-fascists, militia nuts, Klansmen, and other white nationalists love Trump. And they are infesting the Republican Party. Like their Nazi predecessors, they must demonize liberals, socialists, educators, journalists, Democrats and anyone else not sharing their far Right politics and white nationalism. We are all commies to this Cult of Right-wing Authoritarian Personalities.

    Now, ironically, the Putin Administration has helped install Trump as their destabilizing Kremlin Kandidate in a Republican White Nationalist White House. This is the greatest Russian victory since Stalingrad.

    Self-labeled libertarians are merely the more cold-blooded purveyors of the ideology of C.R.A.P. Their agenda is the same, as they revere the rich and take from the poor. Libertarians are nothing more than agents for neo-Aristocratic authoritarian rule.

    Just like Trump. Just like Republicans. And just like every con-servative. And they are winning their war on democracy.

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