“Evangelical” Does Not Equal “Political”

found online by Raymond

From The Moderate Voice:

When journalists talk about so-called “evangelical voters”, the former are doing the public a disservice. That is because the word evangelical has nothing to do with politics.

An evangelical is a believer in Messiah Jesus who strives to share the Gospel message with those who have not yet heard it or read it. Such a believer can do so without ever being involved in political issues.

If evangelicals register to vote in elections, then they don’t have join any political party. If they do join one, then they can join any political party – including the Democratic Party – and still be evangelicals.

When journalists say “evangelical voters”, what they mean is “church-going voters who mix religion with politics”.

This mixing of religion with politics is detrimental to evangelism. In a blog post immediately following the election of President Donald Trump, Reverend Thabiti Anyabwile has this to say…

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2 thoughts on ““Evangelical” Does Not Equal “Political””

  1. The term “evangelical voters” may indicate Christian Republican voters, but it really represents confused or hypocritical voters.

    Right wing politics is as much a belief system as religion to them. Their are true believers in a political cult. Most of them would vote for Trump, or even another Hitler, as long as he opposed abortion and hated or feared the same minorities.

    Most of them don’t care how much their party takes from the poor and gives to the rich. Most don’t care how many deaths will result from their good “Christian wars” of aggression. Most don’t care how much cruelty is inflicted by law enforcement in an unjust war on drugs. Most don’t care about anti-Muslim bigotry or the shootings by stupid cops who “fear for their lives” when they stop a black motorist.

    They don’t care because these factors are not under their consideration. They are indoctrinated to believe Republicans are the “party of Christians”. That is their programming. And that is all that matters to Republicans.

    They are as much, or more, under the influence of FOX propaganda as the Bible, and they adhere as much, or more, to the far Right belief system of the C.R.A.P. the Cult of Right-wing Authoritarian Personalities as they adhere to the teachings of Christ.

    They will say they are loving Christians, as they hatefully declare Hillary, and liberals in general, as evil commie traitors, as they praise Putin’s Puppet and his Party of voter and living wage suppression.

    History shows us how the are manipulated.

    “The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and cooperation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life.”
    — Adolph Hitler,
    “My New World Order,”
    Proclamation to the German Nation, February 1, 1933

    They have fallen under the same spell as the “good Germans” did in the 1930’s. Except they don’t care anymore that the “spirit of unity and cooperation” and Christian values are openly scorned by their Dear Leader and their “let them die” Party of Mammon.

    They are brainwashed. The C.R.A.P. is as much their religion as what they get in church. All too often it is the same. Religion has been politicized. Time to tax the Hell out of churches that preach the C.R.A.P.

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