One Political Party Is Diverse – The Other Is Not

found online by Raymond

From Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger:

For those of you who wonder how the Republican Party could have chosen a leader with a racist past (whose closest advisor is a white supremacist and attorney general a racist), these charts might help you understand. The Republican Party is still basically a party made up of white people (86%). And they have done very little outreach to include non-whites in their party.

On the other hand, the Democratic Party is much more diverse — with whites making up 57% and non-whites making up 43% of party membership. And their diversity grows with each presidential election year.

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21 thoughts on “One Political Party Is Diverse – The Other Is Not”

        1. Oh. Gosh. I thought you specifically asked for one. Oh wait — that IS all you wanted.

          Since you demanded just one, Bob Casey came to mind before more obvious people who have recently made headlines: like Joe Manchin, Joe Donnelly, John Bel Edwards.

          There is an off-shoot of the Democratic Campaign Committee for candidates who are anti-abortion. Do you need a link, or are you capable of finding it?

          By the way, was the link on voluntary unemployment at all helpful? As I recall you had some trouble with that as well.

      1. Seriously, major? You have actually never heard of Bob Casey?
        And you don’t know how to do a google search for the senior Senator of a large industrial state, the son of the former governor?

        Maybe this will help: It’s a simple google search (Type in Bob Casey)

        1. Yes Burr I know of Bob Casey, he’s one of the leading policy makers for the DNC, gave a stirring speech supporting HRC. Chuck Schumer has given Bob the important jobs of the Ranking Member, Senate Special Committee on Aging. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. Senate Committee on Finance. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

          He’s on the nightly news at least 3 times a wk cause the DNC loves its’ pro life members so much.


          1. Very good, major.

            Can you deal with Joe Manchin now?
            Let me know if you need more help.

            Google can seem mysterious to beginners.

  1. Aunt Tildy, did you have to say “Be nice!” to Burr a lot when he was growing up? lol! 🙂

    In all honesty, Burr strikes me as a very nice gentleman in the many years I have “known” him on the interwebs… He is typically wrong on so very many things, but he still fairly well behaved. I can only assume we have you to thank for his generally nice demeanor, Aunt Tildy! Thank you indeed! 🙂

    1. I don’t recall ever making such a claim.

      You demanded the name of one Democrat who is pro-Life. I’m a longtime admirer of the late Governor Bob Casey and I know his son has the same pro-life conviction.

      You then forgot that you had demanded just one name, which I had provided. So I mentioned a couple more.

      You were not familiar with any of those nationally known Democrats, and you did not know how to use google for them in order to educate yourself. So I provided a link to guide you.

      Now you accuse me of not backing a claim I do not remember making.

      I do believe most Democrats support a woman’s right to self-determination and therefore resist attempts by the government to control her body. I do not recall claiming otherwise.

      Perhaps it would help if you clarified what you are attempting to learn, aside from how to conduct an internet search on your own.

      In that regard, was the earlier link on payroll taxes at all helpful? As I recall you were also confused on what payroll taxes are. Similarly, did the link on voluntary unemployment clarify that simple definition for you?

      Really, major, although folks are willing to help you out when possible, you could save everyone some time if you could simply learn how to conduct your own internet searches. Your reward would be a sense of accomplishment at increasing your very own basic skills.

  2. “I do believe most Democrats support a woman’s right to self-determination and therefore resist attempts by the government to control her body. I do not recall claiming otherwise.”

    Just to clarify, Mr. Deming, you are aware that the unborn child within a pregnant woman is NOT a part of her body, right? You do know that the child is a separate distinct entity with its own unique DNA, correct? I wanted to make sure, otherwise I figured perhaps you could do a google search of your own. 🙂

    1. Thank you for the education, T. Paine.

      We are still talking about government control of a woman’s body. I understand your position, but you may state it again, if you wish.

  3. I hate to derail the discussion, but wasn’t the point of the piece about how one party is more racially diverse? Perhaps Democrats not agreeing with the Republican platform isn’t really an accurate gauge of diversity after all?

    Just a crazy notion.

  4. Mr. Deming, I don’t want the government telling women what to do with their bodies either. Nor do I want them allowing people to abort the living bodies of the unborn. (Again, just to clarify, the unborn child is NOT a part of a woman’s body.)

    As to Mr. Dubya’s point, there exists a type of diversity that neither major party is very good at achieving. This is especially true for the Democrats. That type of diversity is a diverse opinion on some political issues. Indeed, if you aren’t militantly for draconian environmental regulation, tax hikes for the evil rich, universal tax-payer funded health care, anti-guns, and pro-Planned Parenthood, then there really isn’t a place for you in the Democrat party of 2017.

    1. “Again, just to clarify, the unborn child is NOT a part of a woman’s body.”

      Thank you Dr. Paine.

      Also; like with women being told what to do with their bodies by Republicans, I’m sure Democrats love being told what makes for a true Democrat by Republicans.

  5. Trey,
    “I’m sure Democrats love being told what makes for a true Democrat by Republicans.”

    Where would we be without cons telling us what we think? I’ve frequently noted their behavior pattern. Smearing and demonizing liberals has been an industry of the Right for a long time. They need to put us in their little “thought cages”.

    Republicans have been dictating what others think for decades. Problem is, their arrogance actually sees this as true insight, when in fact it is all part of their historic demonization of dissent. They don’t get us. They never will. But they think they do.

    “Draconian environmental regulation” was Nixon creating the EPA and liberals supporting it. “NOT draconian” is the far Right corporate polluters dismantling the EPA.

    “Tax hikes for the evil rich” would be the same rate they paid under Nixon and Ford. Now we are to believe in the magic of “trickle down” benefits for cutting their taxes. (We know how swell THAT works out.)

    The founders warned against an aristocracy. Now the Right wants Trumplings to get millions from Daddy, because they are sooooo deserving of their aristocratic status. Note how they still love to spout “equality of opportunity” as they hand tax-free dollars to brats who never knew an honest day’s labor.

    “Universal tax-payer funded health care” is the norm for every civilized nation. Good enough for vets, but not the second-rate citizens. Liberals are demonized as commies for wanting the same RIGHT to health care as others have.

    “Anti-guns” is what they call us if we think banning mortars and machine guns for redneck rubes and the mentally ill is a good idea. Never mind many Democrats have supported the Second Amendment, for conservatives all know what we REALLY think. They were also certain Obama was coming for our guns. Didn’t happen. I still have mine. Wasn’t even proposed. But THEY knew better.

    And then there’s their notion of the Great Global Conspiracy of Evil Climate Scientists, with their “commie thermometers”, who dare disagree with Big Oil and the Kochs, because the corporate polluters cannot possibly have a political agenda on this issue. Political correctness is not a liberal domain. But we can’t tell them that.


    Now back to the subject of racial diversity:

    Racism motivated Trump voters more than authoritarianism or income inequality

    Of course, not all Republicans and Trump voters are racists and authoritarians, but…not that there’s a great schism between authoritarianism and racism… Same tree, different fruit.

    And this isn’t liberals saying so, it’s from surveys of Trump voters.

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