The Hidden Hand Of
Dancin’ David Gregory

found online by Raymond

From driftglass:

As you might remember, former “Meet the Press” ruiner, Mr. David Gregory, was unceremonious exiled to the Land of Misfit Pundits back in 2014, Today, Mr. David Gregory survived by a much smaller version of the original model — mr. david gregory — who appears to spend a lot of time seated precariously on a bar stool between idiots on CNN’s “We Are The World”-sized political panels, speaking in various backwoods locales which have not yet gotten the word that he is no longer Mr. David Gregory and flogging his book on his personal spiritual journey which may or may not be entitled.“Zen and the Art of Selling Out Journalism For Money”.

However it would be cruel and wrong to think that mr. david gregory left no lasting influence on his profession.

For example, one of his innovations back when he was Mr. David Gregory of “Meet the Press” was to make sure that at no point were the fleeting and ridiculous opinions of Mr. David Brooks of the New York Times underrepresented.

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