The Most Interesting Woman
in the World

found online by Raymond


4 thoughts on “The Most Interesting Woman
in the World”

    1. You really think that she’s exceptionally stupid? I understand disliking her, but that doesn’t mean that she’s the worst in every way. I wonder if this is the same sort of reasoning that leads people to think that Obama is simultaneously an incompetent fool and an evil mastermind intent on and succeeding at destroying the country.

  1. No Ryan. To a certain extent my comment was hyperbole. That said, I personally know myriads of women that are far smarter than Hillary Clinton, and have a true sense of integrity to boot.

  2. I agree Hillary has made bad decisions and choices. That is called being human. Trump calls her a devil and nasty woman. That is inhumane fascistic demonizing.

    One candidate recognizes the reality of greenhouse gasses and climate change. The other calls it a “Chinese hoax”. Denial of science reflects faith in ideological corporate PR over science. That is not intelligence.

    One candidate worked her way up from the middle class. One aristocrat lost fortunes and was still bailed out by his racist father. One of these paths requires more intelligence.

    One is an admitted sex offender. The other has been demonized and investigated for decades with no criminal findings.

    She is without doubt far more intelligent than Trump. For what that is worth.

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