Post-Attack Recovery

Still typing left handed, right arm in a perpetual sling.
It’s slow and awkward and I’m prone to mistakes.

But, as someone on social media has pointed out,
Moist people aren’t bothered by the occasional typo.

(Oh come on! I’m often considered elderly, perhaps because of age,
and I’m taking up to three types of pain medication as needed – Wheeee.
Besides, attempts at dad humor serve as a distraction.)

So gimme a break! (See there?)

First post-surgery follow-up with another surgeon is set for Monday.
Removal (or replacement?) of staples is to be done then.
I intend to post more, if I can, right after the surgical review.

About the attack:
The assigned police detective is careful not to give me much information on the identity of the attacker, the reason for the attack (except that they are sure they know what it was), or when an arrest is expected.
And he really shouldn’t tell me more just yet.

About comments wishing me well:
Thank you.
I am more than grateful.

If I’m up to it during the next several weeks of recovery, I’ll try writing a few short opinions, depending on energy level and, you know, pain.
Mustn’t wake the neighbors.

For anyone wanting to catch up:

14 thoughts on “Post-Attack Recovery”

  1. I’m so glad your recovery proceeds, Burr, and that the police seem to be on top of things. All progress on both fronts is good.

    Best regards,


  2. This is better news, though I wish for you more comfort than it reads that you have. Also peace and comfort to those helping you care for yourself. I’m glad there is progress all-around!

  3. I am sorry to hear about your painful injuries. I have been reading your site for a while now and appreciate your dedication to providing news, links, and commentary on our political situation. There are many things of concern and many things that give hope. Too many voters seem to think this is a game show, or a team sport without realizing discrimination will catch up with them if allowed to fester- it may start with the foreigners, minorities, handicapped, autistic, the women, reporters, and artists, but will affect everyone.

  4. Mr. Deming,

    Know that many people that you’re not even aware of read your blog on a regular basis. I suppose you should count me as a member of that group.

    I’m saddened and angered, not necessarily in that order, at what’s happened to you.

    We all hope that the perps are caught soon and punished within an inch of their miserable existence.

    Pain meds; take ’em if you got ’em. Enjoy that ride as best you can.


  5. You’re definitely on the mend if you can make Dad jokes! May the rest of your recovery go as well!

  6. Burr, best of wishes for your recovery. Your Saturday morning roundup has become an essential part of my political reading, and I miss it. I hope to see you back to normal soon.

  7. Howdy Burr!

    It’s good to see that you’re up to posting. The speech to text suggestion is a good one. Now if only WordPress would create a verbal editor…

    I was never aware that there were any jokes other than dad jokes (even though I’m old enough to remember a time when dad jokes weren’t even a thing) and that they weren’t always welcome. Then again, I’m autistic, so maybe I never noticed?

    Until we post again.


  8. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, including recovery from any post-traumatic stress.

    Violence that is random is shocking in its suddenness…and this crazy country seems to be especially prone to it.

    1. Dear Mr Burr Demming.
      I hope you are feeling better. Please stay with us as long as you can, because we are going to need you. I am so sorry that you got attacked.

  9. love seeing you still have a sense of humor. I once saw someone peddling weight loss powder wearing a button that read, “loose weight now”

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