Visiting Grandkids. YAY!
Contracted COVID. Ouch!

We think I got it on the plane.

Out this week.
Probably next.
Please stick with me.

Symptoms are mitigated by vaccine. So there’s that.
I am grateful to science.
The vaccine kept me out of the hospital or the morgue.
We lost half a dozen relatives to this damn COVID thing.

9 thoughts on “Visiting Grandkids. YAY!
Contracted COVID. Ouch!”

  1. Well, if it’s any consolation, I’ve had it twice. The first time was when I was bottling at my daughter’s distillery in 2019, and was working with a guy who had just returned from China. Three days later everyone who was there came down with it. We all got really sick. The second time we caught it from our granddaughter. For me the second time was better, but my wife got really sick. Yeah, it’s still out there and will take advantage of the people who come into contact with it…

    1. great reminder, Jimmy T – we had more or less the same experience, my husband twice & me once – so glad to hear, Burr, that you’ve been vaccinated – wishing you & yours only the very very best. take good care!

  2. Take good care. Chicken soup really does help a person feel better. Thanks for all you do!

  3. Take care of yourself. Looking forward to reading your interesting takes again soon.

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