Independence, Economy, False Quote, False Witness, Hitler, SCOTUS, Race

Do click: Brief bit of beautiful appreciation
from one (still) sovereign nation to another:

  • Infidel753 preaches against the loud, very loud, trivialization of what should be a solemn celebration of American Independence.
    Key verdict:
    An adult approach to national history and observances is surely not too much to ask.
    Followed by a series of hilariously reckless fireworks fails.
    As in The damn fools had it coming!
    Confession: I’m ashamed at my out loud laughs at what could be serious injuries.
    However, they really did have it coming!
  • In Letters from an American, historian Heather Cox Richardson looks at the Declaration of Independence as a radical document, limited by a constricted definition of “all men”, but expanded with time and the evolution of social morality.
    In the Civil War, the ideals in the Declaration were threatened by an illegal rebellion in denial of founding principles.
    Those ideals are similarly threatened today.
  • North Carolina pastor John Pavlovitz devoted Independence Day to mourning for the America we could have had. Should have by now.
    Key observation about the political right:
    They can say they love this nation, while betraying almost everything central to its beauty: diversity, plurality, equality—and the indoctrinated cult will lap it up because they need the story to be true.
  • Wisconsin conservative James Wigderson compares the state of our ideals with Independence celebrations in the past, focusing on America’s 1976 bicentennial, and concludes we have triumphed over far worse times than we face today.
  • Our US Senator from here in Missouri, Josh Hawley, quoted Patrick Henry in support of a Christian nation. Turns out the quote was a fraud. My own reaction:

    tengrain at Mock Paper Scissors goes a little deeper and discovers that the actual source that inspired Senator Hawley was YIKES! Worse than I thought!

  • Dave Columbo confronts his Republican doppelganger on Biden and Trump:
  • Hackwhackers looks at Bidenomics for June, comparing the economic performance that was predicted by experts with what actually happened, and proves that one picture is worth almost half a million jobs.
  • News Corpse reports President Biden’s reaction to Hunter Biden’s drug addicted behavior, and the Fox/Republican reaction to Joe Biden’s reaction:
    Both attack the President for a lack of family values.
    Key attack (From Congressman James Comer):
    And his own son pled guilty to two tax evasion charges and one [count of] illegal possession of firearms. This is a terrible example of leadership in the White House.
    Key description (from Fox anchor Rachel Campos-Duffy):
    …the biggest political scandal in modern history, as far as I’m concerned.
    Key actual value (noted by News Corpse):
    …Comer’s implication of nefarious intent regarding strengthening gun regulations, even though Hunter was found to have violated them, proves that Biden is committed to equal justice under the law, even if it means holding his son to account.
    Key additional point (mine):
    Investigative reports have only uncovered a father’s continuous unconditional love, combined with a calm insistence on each step of recovery and acceptance of responsibility. When dealing with addiction, this strikes me as a parental model to be admired.
  • It was a dark, quiet night. Most people were asleep. The next day was July Fourth, so many had the day off from work. Alas, one man was not asleep.
    So begins the Palmer Report, speculating on why, as dawn on Independence Day approaches, a former president lies awake in the dark, obsessed with social media.
  • Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger has the survey on who voters find personally likable.
    For Joe Biden, the numbers are mixed. Some groups like him, some groups not so much. Overall, it’s negative but only marginally so.
    For Donald Trump, everyone seems to agree. They love to hate him. It isn’t close.
  • In MadMikesAmerica, Michael John Scott goes sci-fi and predicts what happens when Donald Trump meets space aliens.

– Podcasts – From a while back: Have they stood the test of time?

2 thoughts on “Independence, Economy, False Quote, False Witness, Hitler, SCOTUS, Race”

    1. That seems to me like a well-reasoned judgment.
      A few Darwin Award nominees.

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