Biden Calls Out ‘Limbaugh Malarkey’ on Senate Floor in Old 90s Clips

found online by Raymond


Biden and friend talk about Rush on Senate floor     [Image from CNBC Television]

From Tommy Christopher:

In a very Biden-esque moment that highlights his friendship with then-Senator John McCain, the pair cracked wise about each other during a 2004 committee meeting on Passenger and Freight Rail Security.

Addressing the two Delaware senators, McCain said “We usually take the oldest and the ugliest first Senator Biden, so we’ll take you.”

To laughter, Bide replied “I appreciate that, thank you very much Mr. Chairman. I promise that I will not say anything nice about you today to have Rush Limbaugh get all excited again.”

He also managed to work in another “malarkey.”

More recently, Biden was asked about Limbaugh’s Medal of Freedom during a CNN town hall last February. The then-candidate ostentatiously crossed himself, then expressed a mixture of compassion for Limbaugh’s illness and condemnation of the man.

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