Kraken Up

found online by Raymond

From Vixen Strangely at Strangely Blogged:

It doesn’t even seem that long ago that Sidney Powell was deemed even a little bit too out there for Rudy Giuliani (just short of one whole month, in fact). And now Donald Trump is entertaining the idea of unloosing the Kraken as a special counsel to investigate voter fraud. It’s kind of funny because it wasn’t even that long ago that Trump had a voting integrity commission that was disbanded because it never found any voting fraud. But on they go, into the (alleged) breach….

It should probably be bigger news, however, that Trump also entertained Ms. Powell’s client, the recently-pardoned Michael Flynn, who, like Lin Wood or the My Pillow guy, has been arguing in favor of martial law so that Trump can get a do-over in the swing states that he lost. I don’t believe there is an armed do-over clause in the Constitution, and Flynn has been singing in the key of batshit for so long it’s hard to believe anyone does listen to him–but there are people who do! And Trump is apparently being one of them!

This almost makes Rudy Giuliani’s request for DHS to commandeer the voting machines look sane. I mean, it’s not. But it almost does.

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